In case of not having a tub, you can Place the concentrate directly during the normal bath, In addition to recommending to take this bath in the morning.
What is the 7 -herb bath and what is it for?
The 7 herbal bath is very popular for get the bad energies that we accumulate in the bodyhowever, there are different plants combinations that can be used, depending on what is sought.
For example, if you want to take a energy and relaxing bath, The best plants are: Rosas Rojas, Salvia, Romero, Epazote, Basil, Altamisa and Ruda.
However, if what you want is expel accumulated negativity In the mind and body, the ideal is to use bitter herbs such as Ruda, garlic, sage, eucalyptus, myrrh, juniper and parietaria.
On the other hand, if you want attract everything positive, prosperity and tranquility to your life, you can use sweet herbs, such as mint, peppermint, chamomile, basil, cinnamon, jasmine and lavender.
How is a 7 -herb bath?
7 herbal bath preparation is simple, since they must Boil 3 liters of water and add the herbs To let them stand. Then, The leaves and branches are removedto pour the water over the body, either in a tub or during the normal bath. It is recommended to carry out this process in the morning to start the day in the best way.