Salt esoteric, spiritual and biblical meaning (meaning of salt)

Salt esoteric meaning Salt is the common name for the mineral halite (NaCl, sodium chloride), a combination of the metal sodium and chloride, an ion related to chlorine gas. The name comes from the Greek halos «salt, sea» and the suffix «ite», derived from the Greek lithos, «stone». It is pronounced «hay light.»

The metaphysical properties of salt derive from a wide range of influences such as its functions in the body, cooking, and industry, its association with the ocean and the Moon, and its cross-cultural uses. Let’s see, then, the esoteric meaning of salt.


salt esoteric meaning

Although it comes from the sea, salt is an ancient symbol of the Earth due to the cubic growth of its crystals. The cube is a symbol of stability, equality and the material world, often combined with a celestial sphere.

Esoterically, a cube or groups of cubes were often the model for temples, altars, and thrones. It expands the symbolism of the square, which represents things like the four directions, to six, due to its six faces.

Six geometric figures based on the hexagram (Star of David) symbolize the union of opposites such as man / woman, the six directions (East, South, West, North, Up and Down) and concepts such as the six days of Creation in the bible. .

Because of salt’s relationship to the cube, it is associated not only with grounding but with the manifestation and anchoring of spiritual energies in the material world, reflecting cosmology as well as sacred architecture.


salt spiritual meaning

Incorruptibility, Purification and Protection: Salt represents the Divine and our own spiritual development due to its incorruptibility. It does not spoil and prevents other things from spoiling.

Because of its conservative qualities and association with holiness, salt is used culturally for purification, spiritual protection, and release from unwanted influences.

Many religions use salt against «spiritual decay» by sprinkling it, creating circles, lines or mounds of it and adding it to holy water.

Abundance, Hospitality, and the Sanctity of the Table: Like all ancient luxury items, salt still bears the signature of abundance. He was once so valuable that her proximity to him at meals revealed his social standing. The nobles were seated «above the salt», closer to the head of the table.

Cross-culturally, the sharing of salt, especially the sharing of salt and bread, became a symbol of hospitality, friendship, and mutual respect between guest and host. Those who have shared salt together must not harm each other. Salt was associated with peace, domestic harmony, and the sanctity of the shared table.

Many ancient cultures, from the Greeks to the Jews, added salt to their offerings. This not only purified them spiritually, but adapted the custom for guests of honor to show respect to the Divine. Salt came to symbolize a renewal of one’s relationship with God.


salt biblical meaning

Salt was an important substance for the people of ancient Israel; They poured water from the Dead Sea to obtain salt. They discovered the healing, purifying, and preserving properties of salt long ago, so they would use this important mineral to flavor their meals, preserve food, and clean and disinfect open wounds.

The expression “putting salt on a wound” is usually associated with something negative, but in fact, salt is used to clean wounds, not to make them worse.

In the Old Testament, salt is often mentioned as a sacred symbol. It has been part of religious practices, such as offerings to God.

Salt also symbolizes friendship, fidelity and loyalty. The salt was used as a pact of true friendship; it was an irrevocable promise to eat salt together. Those who do that must remain faithful friends forever.

The newborns were rubbed with salt so that they would grow up to be honest and trusting in life. Also, we have to mention that Lot’s wife became a pillar of salt, which we read about in the book of Genesis. The story is possibly a folk tale, made up to explain an actual pillar of salt in the region.

Salt is also mentioned as an important ingredient in incense. In the New Testament, salt metaphorically represents intelligence, thoughtfulness, and compassion.

Salt is also a symbol of something good and pure, which could be corrupted and this can be found in Jesus’ expression from the Sermon on the Mount, “the salt of the earth”. There it is said that if the salt loses its salty taste, it is useless.

This implies that salt is an essential matter, something that must be kept pure, untainted by sin and darkness. The phrase itself is used to describe someone who is decent and somewhat good enough.

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There are several mentions of salt in the bible. Here some of them:

Numbers 18:19 – All the offerings of the sacred offerings that the children of Israel offer to the LORD, I have for you, and your sons and daughters with you, as a perpetual allowance. It is an everlasting covenant of salt before the LORD for you and your offspring with you.

Ezekiel 43:24 – And you shall offer them before the LORD, and the priests shall sprinkle salt on them, and offer them as burnt offerings to the LORD.

Matthew 5:13 – You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt fades, with what will it be salted? since then it is good for nothing, but to be thrown and trampled by men.

Luke 14: 34-35 – Salt is good; but if the salt fades, with what will it be seasoned?

Colossians 4:6 – Your speech must always be graceful, seasoned with salt, so that you know how you should respond to each one.

Mark 9:50 – Salt is good; but if the salt becomes insipid, with what will you season it? Have salt in yourselves and have peace with one another.

Mark 9:49 – Because all will be salted with fire, and every sacrifice will be salted with salt.

Leviticus 2:13 – And every offering of your vegetable offering you shall season with salt; neither shall you suffer the salt of the covenant of your God to be wanting in your offering: with all your offerings you shall offer salt.

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