Saints of luck and holy child of luck prayer

Saints of luck and holy child of luck prayer Luck is an energy that helps the realization of desires, thoughts and attracts the right opportunities for you to succeed.

When luck is with you, you may feel calmer and more fulfilled because you have the feeling that everything will turn out the way you want.

However, when it moves away and problems of all kinds begin to appear (health, work, love, etc.), it is important to know which are the lucky saints that can help you find positive solutions that illuminate your path and to help you get ahead.

Here we present you some lucky saints and the holy child of luck prayer


Which are?

Saints of luck # 1 Saint Christopher Good luck in the old and also wards off negative luck There is a reason so many people wear amulets and necklaces with the face of Saint Christopher or place a small statue of the saint in their vehicles.

Although some aspects of his life remain blurred, believers often associate him with protection and good luck in those who travel.

Others claim that he is also the patron saint of soldiers, but while it is unclear why he has been given this role, some believe it is because he is often depicted as a hero in many medieval legends.

If you feel that you need good luck and protection on a trip, don’t hesitate to ask San Cristobal intercede so that God answers your prayers in time.


Saints of luck #2 San Cono Luck economically Many believers confirm that this saint has helped them out of financial problems and others indicate that they have had good luck in games of chance or in the lottery, but who was this little-known saint?

From a very young age he felt a great vocation for religiosity, but as he was an only child, his parents did not approve of his life being totally dedicated to God. However, his desire was so great that he once ran away from home, going to a monastery far away.

His parents started looking for him until they finally reached the Monastery, but when they found out, the young Cono hid inside a bread oven.

Later, the bread began to be prepared and the oven was turned on. Imagine the surprise when they opened the oven and the young man came out of it: without a single burn!

Seeing this, his parents concluded that it was a message from God and finally accepted it as a heavenly call for Cono to fulfill his religious vocation.


Saints of luck #2 San Pancracio for work and health He is the patron of work because he always defended the workers and the need that everyone has for a decent job, that provides conditions to support a family.

He is also a patron of health because, being very influential, he helped many sick people. He was Roman, of noble origin and decided to be baptized at the age of 14.

In Christian imagery, Saint Pancratius is depicted dressed as a Roman soldier or, more specifically, as a baby-faced youth wearing a red Roman tunic and green clothing.

In his hand there is usually a Bible open around a passage from the Gospels, which says Venite ad me et ego dabo vobis omnia bona; that is, Come here and I will give you all the goods (a quote that, in reference to the following of Christ and, depending on who reads it, could well be related to requests for work and money).

In addition, in his hand there is a palm leaf, the usual symbol of the saints who died in martyrdom; although in some statues, the palm leaf is replaced by a feather.

The fame of the miracle of San Pancracio with work and money Today, the image of San Pancracio is quite common to see in shops and private homes, either in the form of a picture or a figure. According to tradition, for Saint Pancratius to give us luck, we must be presented with his image.

The hand of Saint Pancratius usually points to the sky with the index finger raised, and in his figures there is usually a coin with a hole in the center on that finger. That finger must also point towards the interior of our business if we want luck to enter directly.



Here we introduce Holy Child of luck prayer

Oh Child Jesus, I run to You, begging You through Your Holy Mother to save me in this need (you can name her here), for I truly and firmly believe that Your Divinity can defend me. Full of confidence I hope in You to obtain Your holy grace. I love you with all my heart, I am painfully sorry for my sins and on my knees I beg you, oh Little Jesus, to free me from them.

My purpose is to improve and never offend you again. Therefore, I offer myself to You, ready to suffer everything for You and to serve You faithfully. I will love my neighbor from the heart as myself for love of You.

Oh Little Jesus, I adore You, oh Powerful Child, I implore You, save me in this need (you can mention it here), so that I can enjoy You eternally, with Mary and Joseph seeing You and with all the angels adoring You.


other sentences

In addition to the Holy Child of luck prayer, there are also other prayers for luck that we detail here:

Dear God, in the name of our Lord Jesus I want to come before you with thanksgiving in my heart for allowing me to be called your son, thank you for your mercies and kindness, thank you for waking me up this morning to pray and go do the work you have blessed my hands to do, as I get going I know that your grace is sufficient, that you open the doors and the favor that you have in store for me, thank you for your protection and care, may your name be lifted forever through the name of our Lord Jesus.

Oh God, thank you for allowing me to appear before you in the name of our Lord Jesus, I am about to go do the work for which you have blessed my hands, I seek your favor and protection, that you guide me and help me to have the best of luck that there is in Jesus, let your divine power be with me as you have promised that you will be with me when I go out and when I come in, thank you for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus name.

Dear Heavenly Father, I am about to put my feet out of my house, I come before you in the name of Jesus to ask you to go before me and open the doors that no man can close, thank you for the protection and care, protect me from any harm and danger as I leave this house, thank you for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus name I ask and I believe. Amen

If you want to know more about the lucky saints and holy lucky child prayer, you can ask your question in the comment section.


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