Saint of business prayer (San Martín Caballero and more)

Saint of business We have received several questions about the saint for business and what is saint martin knight prayer for abundance and prosperity in business.

In that sense, today we wanted to publish everything related to the subject.

Let’s see, next, saint of business and prayer


General features

Saint of business #1 Saint Martin Cabellero

San Martín de Tours, also known as San Martín Caballero, is considered the patron saint of business. Born between 317 and 336 in Savaria, Pannonia (present-day Hungary), Saint Martin was the son of a high-ranking officer in the Roman imperial horse guard. Although his parents were pagans, he decided to become a Christian at the age of ten.

As you can imagine, this did not sit well with his parents, who were relieved to learn that Martin could not be baptized without their consent. He was forced to follow in his father’s footsteps, becoming a member of the Roman army at the age of fifteen.

One day, while stationed in Amiens (France), Martin met a poor beggar whom everyone had overlooked. Seeing the beggar cold and naked, Martin, who had nothing to give him, took his sword and cut his cloak in half, giving half to the beggar. That night, he had a vision of Christ holding the mantle and saying: «Martin, a simple catechumen has clothed me.» Pretty impressive for someone so young (he was still a teenager).

At the age of twenty, he left the army because he opposed fighting and war. Many years later, he made his way to Tours, France, where he became a student of Saint Hilary of Poitiers. After converting his pagan parents to the faith, Martin founded a monastery (Liguge Abbey) which eventually became the home of Benedictine monks.

He later became Bishop of Tours, although he did not wish to be ordained or become a bishop despite his reputation as an effective and powerful evangelizer. He earned a reputation as a peace-loving bishop who put his flock first and never shied away from combating heresy and paganism. He died at Candes-Saint-Martin, in Gaul, in the year 397.

Saint Martin Knight Prayer for Abundance and Prosperity in Business #1

San Martín, first you were a soldier like your father. Converted to the Church, you became a soldier of Christ, a priest and then Bishop of Tours. Lover of the poor and model for pagans and Christians, protect my business at all times. May it also bring abundance and prosperity for me and my family.

I promise to help those in need, as you did, or do an hour of charity in order to earn, through your intercession, God’s mercy for my business and myself. Amen.

Saint Martin Knight Prayer for Abundance and Prosperity in Business #2

O blessed Saint Martin Caballero, who with mercy and love clothed a poor frozen beggar dividing your own cloak in two, look at me and my business and only with the eyes of your mercy and intercede for me before the throne of Christ so that I find help and may it bring abundance and prosperity to my family and me. Amen


Saint of business #2 Saint Expeditus

Santo Expedito helps all those who face difficulties in business and gives them strength and courage to overcome challenges. Say this prayer to Santo Expedito to be more successful in business and get out of difficulties.

This prayer should be said before a crucifix, lighting two candles next to it, one on each side.

Prayer of Saint Expeditus for business

Make the sign of the cross.

Glory to God in the highest
and peace on Earth to men of good will.

Santo Expedito, you who for your merits
you have reached eternal bliss,
I heard my prayer.

Intercede with Our Lord Jesus Christ,
so that the paths are level
of your humble devotee.

Lord my Jesus Christ
that you shed your Holy Blood on the Cross
for the salvation of sinners,
Deign to attend the intercession of your great Saint Expeditus.

Be attentive, Lord, to the words of Santo Expedito,
for this humble son of yours.

Be conducive, Lord, to the pleas of Your glorious Holy Expeditus,
Lord my Jesus Christ
I listened to Santo Expedito’s words complacently.

Valuable and pure servant of the Most High, Santo Expedito,
consider this devotee of yours to be a sinner,
however, he did not lose his faith or in God’s mercy,
not for your merits
before our Lord Jesus Christ.

So be sorry and repent of my sins,
I beg your intercession on my behalf,
Obtaining from Divine Mercy and Justice
the grace of being answered in my prayer
(make an order)

Holy Expeditus, faithful to the Lord, pray for me.

For your martyrdom, pray for me.

Santo Expedito, for your death, pray for me.

Holy Expeditus, glorious martyr, pray for me.

Help of the sick, pray for me.

Santo Expedito, protection of travelers, pray for me.

Santo Expedito, patron saint of the afflicted, of those in difficulty, of those who trust in your merits,
support me, protect me.

You who have never denied your help
and your protection to those who beg you,
with faith and humility
be attentive to my requests
and, by the blood that our Lord Jesus Christ shed
for the salvation of sinners,
worthy to answer the prayer that humbly
I’m talking to you.

So be it.

make the sign of the cross


other saints

Here we detail other saints for business specifically are:

saint of business Antiquarian: Saint Dimas.

Saint of Business Butchery: San Bartolome.

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saint of business Locksmiths: Saint Peter.

the saint of business Restaurant: Saint Lawrence, Saint Martha and Saint Anne.

saint of business Dressmaking: Saint Anne, Saint Veronica and Saint Lucia.

Saint of Business Pharmacy: St nicolas.

the saint of business florist: Saint Rose of Lima and Saint Rita.

Saint of business Sale of textiles or clothing store: Saint Anthony Ma Claret and Saint Catherine of Siena.

saint of business Hospitality: Santa Marta.

The saint of business Bookstore: Saint John the Evangelist Saint Jerome and Saint Lawrence.

saint of business Jeweler’s: Saint Eloy.

saint of business Bakery and sweet shop: Saint Honorato of Amiens.

the saint of business beauty salon: Saint Martin de Porres, Saint Louis and Saint Mary Magdalene.

saint of business perfume warehouse: Saint Mary Magdalene, Saint Elizabeth of Portugal and Saint Nicholas.

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Saint of Business Watchmaking: Saint Peter.

Saint of Shoe Shop Business: Saint Crispin.


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