Rosemary alcohol: what it is for and how to make it at home

rosemary alcohol (Rosmarinus officinalis) for external use, is a magnificent and traditional way to benefit from the properties of this wonderful plant. It is also very easy to do by yourself, and it is not difficult to find rosemary, luckily it still resists in our mountains, gardens, and we can even grow it in a pot at home. It is important to choose rosemary that has not been treated with chemicals and that grows away from contaminated areas.

The rosemary alcohol that is made at home, in general, has nothing to do with the one that is bought in pharmacies. Since the one we make at home will be directly macerating the plant, its power and properties are manifested in their maximum expression, the pharmacy one being somewhat decaffeinated, and whoever has not had the opportunity to compare should try it.

Traditionally it has been used externally, among others, in the following cases, either as a rub, compress, etc.:

– circulatory disorders, varicose veins, heavy legs…
– against cellulite
– as a relaxant in the neck area
– bumps and bruises (not bleeding)
– muscle pain, joint pain, rheumatic pain, low back pain, sprains…
– Against hair loss
– seborrheic dermatitis
– in the drop
– neuralgia
– invigorating massage
– scrubs on the chest and back against colds and flu
– prevent bed sores in bedridden people
– in veterinary medicine as an antiparasitic and to prevent hair loss

How it’s done:

It is very easy, preferably we will use the fresh plant, although the dried plant can also be used, but the result will be less active.
It can be done in many ways, here I explain my preferences, but each one can adapt the recipe to their liking. You have to fill a glass container with the freshly picked rosemary. I prefer to add the whole plant and without handling it excessively, including the trunk, because I believe in the synergy of all the components. It is better to use rosemary in bloom, as it is at its best. There are those who only throw leaves and flowers, and those who even shred it.
Once we have filled the container with the plant, we cover it with 96º alcohol, which is sold in pharmacies, and we close the container well. This preparation is left to macerate for 15 days in a dark place. We will shake it every day. It can be macerated for longer, some people prefer up to 40 days, but in general, an excellent preparation comes out after 15 days.

Once the maceration time has passed, we only have to filter the alcohol, store it in a dark and tightly closed container, protected from light and excessive heat, and use it! FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY.

People with epilepsy problems or pregnant women should be careful with the use of rosemary.

[La Botica Escondida]

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