Rose of Jericho, care of the plant of prosperity

The Rose of Jericho is a plant that requires some care to keep it at home and enjoy its beautiful green leaves.

This plant does not exceed 60cm in height, which makes it ideal to keep outdoors but especially to decorate indoors. The best thing is that it does not need much care to stay beautiful, so take note!

How to Care for the Rose of Jericho Plant

If you want to keep your rose of Jericho healthy and strong, you have to follow these tips and you will see how your prosperity plant will look more beautiful every day.

How the plant of prosperity is watered

It is a plant that requires a lot of water, so it must be watered almost daily so that its leaves remain green. Remember that it must be kept moist but not flooded to prevent damage.

How the rose of Jericho is grown, care and tips

The good thing about this plant is that you can grow it in pots and you don’t need any specific time of year to transplant it to another type of soil. In addition, it can be a very good gift option since it adapts and grows both outdoors and indoors.

How much sun does the prosperity plant need?

The Rose of Jericho adapts to any type of lighting, but it is much better if it is in the shade. Keep in mind that although it is easily attached, it is always better not to receive direct sun or strong heat waves.

What type of soil does the Jericho rose need for its care

The ideal for this plant is that it is in a land with enough organic and soft substances. In addition, it must have a combination of soil and sand so that its growth is much more suitable.

What pests and diseases does the Jericho rose have?

The Jericho rose can be constantly attacked by aphids, those small insects that absorb nutrients from plants. That is why it is important that you keep your plant under surveillance so that these insects do not attack it.

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