Rosario Plant: What to do so that their flowers are maintained all year

The Rosario Plant It is one of the favorite hanging plants to decorate interiors, if you have one at home you know what we are talking about, for its beautiful appearance and authentic fragrance; It is usually very attractive to the naked eye and, without a doubt, it will give that special touch to your home. You may think that, being a succulent pendant, it needs very specific care; However, there is nothing complicated in its maintenance and we have a trick that will help your Rosario Plant to maintain your flowers during all the stations of the year.

The Rosario Plant It is also known as the pearl chain and is a peculiar pendant pendant, in addition, they hang beautiful but delicate white flowers that expel a fragrance to cinnamon. Your scientific name is Senecio Rowleyanus and is originally from South Africa; It is characterized by showing elongated and very thin stems, which surround them cylindrical green leaves.

Try that your rosary plant is een the correct liugar.Nicolas Hirajeta / Unspash.

Rosario Plant and its leaves

The leaves of the Rosario Plant It seems that they are very fleshy and that is, in reality, they are a water reserve that allows you to live in drought seasons. Cylindrical leaves are usually so attractive, that it leads to be considered an exotic plant, in fact you must move them away from children and/or your pets, because the plant could be toxic to contact with sensitive areas of the body.

Rosario Plant and its Flowers

The flowers of the Rosario Plant They are usually very small; However, that does not take away the beautiful since they stand out with the naked eye for having a star shape; The flowers are usually mottled white from lila and what makes them even more special is their aroma to cinnamon, and arise at the end of spring or during the summer.

The truth is that the Rosario Plant It is not difficult to take care of and you do not necessarily have to wait for specific seasons to see their flowers, because there are some tricks that will help you keep your plant beautiful throughout the year.