- Goodbye, diseases
The dead or damaged parts of any rose should be cut at the end of winter or early spring because they are already damaged areas, if you do not eliminate them, they will contaminate your entire plant until you kill it. In addition, it improves air circulation.
2. More beautiful than ever
Pruning helps your Rosales They maintain their form, in addition new very beautiful babies will be born and, those that are already, will continue to grow beautiful and strong.
3. Well controlled rosets
There is Rosales They grow wildly and are usually very invasive, therefore, it is important that you eliminate all sick or dead stems to reduce the total size of your plant.
For pink pruning in spring you only have one option: cut the parts that died during the winter.Chris Linnett / Unspash
When you must prune your rosets
Pruning is an art and there are very specific moments in which it is much more convenient than in others.
You must prune your rosets Just before your plant breaks the latency after the last spring frost. This happens at the beginning of the year, in warm climates, and at any time between January and April during cold climates.
Yes Rosales They have been with you for more years, it is best to be able to flourish. When pink cuts, first cut the dead parts, that will help you see the shape of the plant without obstructions.
For pink pruning in spring you only have one option: cut the parts that died during the winter, this will help a lot so that, during this season, your shrub looks much more leafy, with flowers full of color and brightness.
First you must royal the cuts of pruning at an angle of 45 degrees.Karthika PR / Pexels
How to prune your rosets
Before you start, it is important that your tools will be and, in addition, you clean them with a cotton soaked with alcohol to disinfect them. And, at the end, apply a degreaser to avoid oxidation.
- First you must make the cuts of pruning at an angle of 45 degrees, approximately 6 centimeters above the axis of a sheet.
- Then, outside the stem, incline the cut down and to the opposite side. This helps the excess of sap rise and seal the cut without causing problems with which it is in the next development.
- If your rose brought has foliage, it is easy for you to detect the location of the cut. If there is no, then it locates where it comes from.
You can use this technique to clean your rose bush or to remove roses from your bush to decorate.
Now that you know how prune your rosetskeep them beautiful and healthy. In a short time you will notice its benefits.