Rosacea and stress, what can I do to put an end to it? – Online Psychologists

Rosacea is a common skin condition Sometimes caused by psychological factors, therefore, it is important to control stress and anxiety, triggers and, at the same time, consequences of this skin inflammation.

What is rosacea?

Rosacea is a facial inflammatory disorder which causes skin rash, rosacea, burning sensation, pustules and pimples on the cheekbones, nose, chin and forehead. It can also produce small red bumps filled with pus.

Signs may appear during weeks or months to disappear after a while and are such common symptoms that rosacea can be confused with acne or other skin problems or natural redness.

Rosacea symptoms

Rosacea is a pathology with multiple symptoms These include frequent redness of the face, burning, slight swelling, the appearance of pimples on the skin, or even rashes with pus.

The most common signs and symptoms are:

Facial redness

Rosacea usually causes a persistent redness in the central part of the face.The small blood vessels in the nose and cheeks often become swollen and visible.

Red and swollen bumps

Some people also develop pimples on their face that look like acne. These rashes sometimes contain pus. Also, The skin may feel hot and sensitive..

Eye problems

Rosacea also causes dryness and irritability of the eyesincluding swelling and redness of the eyelids. This is known as ocular rosacea. In some people, eye symptoms precede skin symptoms.

Swollen nose

This condition can cause the skin on the nose to thicken over time, making it look bulbous (rhinophyma). This happens more often in men than in women.

Causes of Rosacea

The cause is unknown, but it is estimated that this could be due to a combination of Hereditary and environmental factorssince it must be taken into account that rosacea It is not caused by poor hygiene.

Therefore, there are different triggers that promote its development or worsen it, such as skin type, genetic inheritance, hormonal changes, diet, sudden changes in temperature, wind, he stress or menopause.

In the same way, they are pointed out other factors that cause outbreaks such as:

  • Hot drinks and spicy foods.
  • Wine and other alcoholic beverages.
  • Extreme temperatures.
  • The sunlight.
  • Emotions.
  • Intense exercise.
  • Medications that dilate blood vessels, including some blood pressure medications.
  • Various cosmetic products.

Princess Diana was an international icon and possessed one of the most popularly photographed faces of the 1980s and '90s — all while struggling with #rosacea.

—National Rosacea Society (@rosaceaorg) June 3, 2021

Risk factors

Anyone can develop this disorder. But you are more likely to have it if:

  • You are a woman.
  • You have fair skin, particularly if it has been damaged by the sun.
  • You are over 30 years old.
  • You smoke.
  • You have a family history of rosacea.

Can it be prevented?

Rosacea is not a pathology that can be prevented, but it can still be treated. relieve symptoms or reduce the level of affectation.

The most important thing is identify the trigger(s) To avoid them: start treatment early, keep your skin well hydrated, avoid products that irritate the skin, use creams that protect against the sun's rays, use makeup suitable for your skin type and use shampoos and gels that are not too aggressive to avoid further irritation.

The relationship between rosacea and stress

Did you know that emotional stress can be both a triggering factor as a consequence of rosaceaResearch on the brain-skin connection indicates that many skin diseases are directly affected by emotional state, including conditions such as:

  • Rosacea
  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Acne
  • Herpes
  • Pruritus
  • Warts
  • Urticaria
  • Dermatitis

So much so that up to 79% of people with rosacea point to emotional stress as the main triggering factor.

Recent studies suggest a potential relationship between #rosacea and psychiatric disorders such as anxiety and depression. Read the full story here:

—National Rosacea Society (@rosaceaorg) May 19, 2021

The mind and the skin are closely related. The mechanism by which emotional stress affects rosacea is still unclear. However, the most widely accepted idea is that emotional stress is a factor in the development of rosacea. Stress activates certain «chemical messengers» of the nervous system, triggering a chain of actions that influence the function of mast cells and other cells, generating these inflammatory reactions in the skin.

Similarly, it is also considered that the cutaneous neurovascular system could play an important role.

The impact of stress (and anxiety) on flare-ups

Psychological factors such as stress and anxiety can aggravate rosacea by creating a vicious circle from which it is difficult to escape: Having rosacea can cause stress, which in turn causes and worsens rosacea.

In fact, emotional stress sometimes prevents dermatological treatments from having the expected successTherefore, when establishing a treatment, it is essential that dermatologists also take into account the emotional state of the patient.

In some cases, rosacea treatment is more effective if accompanied by psychological therapy or techniques to improve emotional health.

For this reason, as a patient, it is essential to be aware of the effects that stress or other disorders such as anxiety cause on the skin. exercises to improve emotional management It is a step towards ending rosacea.

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Resolve your stress and anxiety with the help of a professional to regain control of your emotions and put an end to rosacea.

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Tips to reduce stress

If I have rosacea and stress is exacerbating the symptoms and making them last longer, what can I do to reduce them? Keep the following tips in mind.

1. Practice yoga

Yoga is a physical and mental practice. With a thousand-year history, more and more people are benefiting from this discipline. With this exercise you can reach the well-being, inner peace and building a lifestyle which includes healthy habits.

According to research conducted by Thirthalli and Naveen (2013) practicing yoga reduces cortisol levelsa hormone that is released in response to stress, and is necessary for the body, as it regulates and mobilizes energy in stressful situations.

2. Eat and drink healthily

Stress often causes us to alter our healthy habits, so we must try lead a lifestyle that is not harmful. In addition, maintaining unhealthy habits causes us to have less resistance to stress.

Eating a balanced diet helps you stay well-nourished and cope with stressful situations. Avoid sugary drinks, do not smoke and moderate alcohol consumption They are also strategies to keep your mind clear and avoid stress.

3. Practice Mindfulness

In the same way as yoga, Mindfulness reduces cortisol levels, while teaching the ability to be aware and pay attention at deeper levels.

There is a program: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MSBR) Program lasting 8 weeks that improves people's quality of life.

4. Sleep better

Just as stress can cause sleep problems, Lack of sleep or lack of quality of sleep can cause stressGetting adequate sleep is necessary for the mind and body to be rested.

Fatigue and heaviness prevent us from thinking clearly and this increases stress. Likewise, while stressful situations are aggravated, so is lack of sleep. affects our mood.

5. Do physical exercise

The practice of physical exercise increases the production of norepinephrinea neurotransmitter that can moderate the brain's response to stress, and produces neurochemicals such as endorphins or serotonin, which help improve mood.

Whether at home or at the gym, get active. You will clear your mind while improving your physical conditionThe benefits of exercise are many, so it will undoubtedly be useful to motivate your mood and reduce stress.

How does a psychologist help reduce stress?

Achieving a complete reduction and control of stress is a complicated task in which, in addition to practicing the above tips, it is sometimes the accompaniment of a psychologist is necessary.

To reduce stress, a health professional will outline a personalized psychological treatment after making a diagnosis of the situation.

The psychologist is then responsible for design a strategic plan that's right for you. In this way, with the help of this professional, you will be able to combat the causes of stress in a much simpler way. The psychologist will help you to:

  • Set priorities.
  • Adjust schedules.
  • Learning to make decisions.
  • Organize your time better.

These are the factors that usually generate stress and, therefore, must be treated with greater priority to address and control stress in a simple way.

, your network of psychologists

Stress is not easy to handle, so you have our network of psychologists at your disposal to help you manage your emotions. As we have seen, Physical conditions are largely caused by psychological factorsIf you want to take steps to resolve this, please contact us using the following form.

You will have a first appointment completely free. Once you decide to start the treatment, A specialized psychologist will be assigned to you to achieve your goal togetherDon't wait any longer to start feeling better!

At we have been experts in online therapy since 2012. Throughout our career we have helped more than 2,000 patients overcome various emotional problems. If you are interested in seeking the help of an online psychologist, you can request a free first session by clicking on the button below.

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