Rituals with rainwater (baths for luck, love and more)

Rituals with rainwater We have received questions about rituals with rainwater, baths with rainwater for luck, if rainwater is used for witchcraft and if rainwater for love is effective. Here we will give answers to these concerns, but first let’s see the rainwater and its symbolism

There are some symbols of rain, including love, joy, abundance, the blessing of heaven. In some legends it is said that the rain brings messages when it falls at night and when it falls in the morning it is to love the flowers.

Some say that when it rains on a wedding day it is because the gods have been moved by the happiness of the souls who are getting married. Beautiful, isn’t it? Let’s see, then, rituals with rainwater


Rainwater and esotericism

Rituals with rainwater #1 To purify Rainwater is water in its purest form, with no more energy than that of the sky. To purify any item, lightly rinse it in a bowl of rainwater.

Once you have covered everything with water, let it sit to dry. Don’t dry it with a towel. This will allow your item or talisman to be purified by the water on its surface.


Rituals with rainwater #2 Bathrooms with rainwater Ritual baths are a tradition in esotericism to cleanse the mind, body and soul before performing an important ritual.

Baths with rainwater to cleanse the aura A ritual bath usually consists of hot water and salt, sometimes with a quartz crystal on the rim of the tub. Adding rainwater to a ritual bath can help cleanse, making the effects of the bath much stronger. Rainwater can absorb any negative energy you have inside you and replace it with the purity of the sky.

Baths with rainwater for luck As soon as it starts to rain (and it’s hard above all) place a jug or other container of this type where it can receive the rainwater. As soon as it fills up or stops raining, add the cinnamon sticks and leave them for 3 hours. Bathe in this water and let it dry naturally.


Rituals with rainwater #3 Drive away negativity If you want to help cleanse yourself of some negative energy or spirit that you think has been following you, there are ways to do it that are not a ritual bath.

Get a bowl of pure rainwater and wet two adjacent fingers. Touch with your wet fingers to any energy point that strongly resonates with you (if you’re not sure, try both temples and the center of your forehead). If you feel the negativity in a certain part of your body, be sure to touch that area with the water.


Rituals with rainwater #4 Protection You can bless and protect a room by sprinkling rainwater in every corner. You can also do a little protection ritual to protect yourself or someone else by writing in black ink the name of whom you wish to protect, along with what you want them to be protected from.

Soak the paper in the rainwater until it falls apart. Don’t use too thick paper for this.


Rituals with rainwater #5 Divination If you have enough, make a tea with the rainwater you have collected. If you do this, make sure the rainwater hasn’t touched anything (such as plants or roofs) before collecting it. The spirits of the sky will help you in your divination by empowering the water with their wisdom. You can also put the water in a divination bowl as another divination method.

Rainwater will make your divination much stronger and clearer, but it won’t have much of an effect if you don’t have much of an affinity for divination to begin with.


Rituals with rainwater #6 Material prosperity Collect rainwater, about half a cup, directly from the SKY, do not collect it from the ground or from the roof drip. Place a fire agate in this water and leave it on your altar for 7 days. Don’t forget to burn a yellow candle and recite phrases (with faith) like: “I’ll get a new job”, or “I’ll get to buy my house”, or “I’ll get more clients”.

After seven days, pour the water on some small plant and put the fire agate where you think it is best. If at any time the candle goes out, light it again until it is finished. During these days and in the next two months, be attentive to the opportunities that will appear. Don’t be afraid, go ahead!


Rituals with rainwater #7 Sentimental prosperity Collect rainwater, about 1 cup – directly from the SKY, don’t collect it from the ground or roof drips. Transfer this water to a cup, boil until it reaches the boiling point and let cool.

Keep the cup close to your chest and visualize your feelings: in relation to your wife, your husband, your children, your friends, your father, your mother, anyone or yourself. How are you? Good bad? Choose the people with whom you have been fighting a lot lately and recite their names, one by one. Example: My wife Anna, my son Paul and my brother Joseph.

Take a sip of water. Visualize the rainwater purifying your heart, your feelings. Place the chalice on the altar. Next, place a pink coin so that it stays close to your skin for at least 10 minutes, for 5 days. After 5 days you can dump all that is left of the rainwater on a small plant.



Remember to collect rainwater directly from the sky, not from the ground or anywhere else.


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