RITUALS with CELESTIAL candles | meaning of the candles

the greek goddess Aphrodite is invoked through the color light blue, that is why rituals with celestial candles are used to calm negative feelings, bring out feminine sensuality, increase love in couples, etc.

Its purposes are quite similar to that of rituals with pink candles, with the variant of bringing peacetranquility and harmony.

A candle of this color can never be used in ceremonies religious. It is rather convenient to light them to absorb bad energies, expel mischievous spirits, as well as to meditate or reflect when there is a issue or an event that makes us nervous.

Ritual with celestial candles to promote romance

Although this ritual is done by women to get a partnercan also be performed by a third party who wants to act as cupid, with the help of Aphrodite.

You need one Photo of the two people you want to link, and each one will go under a light blue candle. Both candles are lit at the same time. Both candles are tied with a red ribbon and aloud is said: May these people open themselves to the Romance, uniting their souls in true love. They are turned off with the fingers and then turned on every Friday at sunset until the pair consolidate.

Ritual with celestial candle to reflect

It is recommended to study before a test, to calm emotions before an exhibition or meeting with a client. Also for take time and solve problems.

in night of Moon new stay dolo in a small room that does not have distractions and where you can not be disturbed. Then light a square light blue candle and sit in a meditation position. you can light a incense sandalwood to enhance the energy of the candle. Give free rein to your thoughts and stay there as long as you need.

Ritual with celestial candles to heal the respiratory system

Light blue candles are a very important resource in rituals to heal respiratory illnesses such as the flu, asthma, purify the lungs after giving up the cigarette, allergies and calm the cough.

Light 6 celestial candles in the bedroom or the place where episodes of discomfort respiratory. Accompany them with coconut incense or a honey candle to cleanse the air of bacteria and purify the environment. Then boil some water and place the container in the center of the candles and dip a handkerchief white and clean. When the water cools down a bit, take the handkerchief and clean all the surfaces from the furniture and dip the scarf back into the water.

Finish the ritual by blowing out the candles with your fingers and pouring the melted wax of each candle in the water as you say: My body, my lungs and my home are purified. Then get rid of that water outside the house. And repeat the ritual in all bedrooms that they need it.

Rituals with celestial candles for peace

Light as many light blue candles as people work in your office, as well as lilac incense, this will bring harmony and peace for teamwork.

In the center of your home, place three celestial candles tied with a white ribbon or thread, pray one prayer so that peace and tranquility are never lacking in your home, then turn them off with your fingers.

Place a flower poppyin the bedroom that you share with your partner, and light a light blue candle next to it, invoke the Goddess Aphrodite with your thoughts to bring peace and sensuality in that place.

Rituals with celestial candles to stop the rain

Celestial candles are linked to clear skies and weather cool and pure, use them in this ritual so that it stops raining.

Draw a cross with Salt on the ground and place 4 light blue candles in the open spaces where there is no salt. Later recite mentally: San Isidro labrador calms the waters and makes way for the sun… And leave the candles burning until stop to rain

Ritual with celestial candles to find friends

Around you light three celestial candles in plates glass or ceramic, forming a triangle whose tip major stay behind your back. Then, inside the circle, write your name and the word friends inside a pink piece of paper. circle. Fold the paper twice and place it under the candle behind you.

Close your eyes and visualize yourself surrounded by noble and fun friends. After 6 minutes turns off candles with fingers.

Ritual to give protection to your new love relationship

If you have invoked the Goddess Aphrodite (later called Venus by the Romans), and she has pleased you with a new lovedo not forget to thank her, because she is very capricious and if you do not adore her for her actionit could sabotage your relationship.

To avoid this, perform the following ritual:

Make a circle with stones lapis lazuli around two light blue candles. At the moment of turning them on, she recites out loud: Oh thank you, Goddess of love and sensuality, Aphrodite, ruler of the planet Venus, your kindness has made me a person happy under the influence of love. Protect this union forever, because I will always be your faithful follower.

Ritual with celestial candles for self-confidence

In a place where there is a mirror large where you can see your full body, light a light blue candle in front of it and spend a couple of minutes looking at yourself and looking into your eyes. He points to the mirror smiling and say out loud: You are the owner of your destiny, you can and you will achieve it.

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