When you want a person to stay by your side or if they left, that is when we must appeal to what we have at hand, a love spell. These have a purpose, and that is for a person to fall in love with you or to return immediately.
There are several types, and they are according to what is needed, if you want him to stay, to come back or to notice you… Only you know. Love spells are performed with white magic so they are not dangerous or malicious, as they are done for a good purpose.
When we use white magic spells for love, we must be constant, persevering and manage patience to see how the results we want so much come. The following spells can be performed in the comfort of your home, in a place where no one has access, and can be done for different purposes.
candles for a love spell
Among the large number of candle spells, we find that of white candles with which love is attracted. In it, a white candle is placed on a surface where you place a piece of paper that says in your own handwriting: come to my love. Light the candle, proceed to burn the paper and as it fades, think deeply about your love.
Red candle spells are to know whether or not there is love from that person. And just like with the white candle, you must keep your thoughts focused on that person while you cast the spell. To cast this spell, you require a red candlea blank piece of paper and a pen with red ink.
On paper you must write the full name of the person you want to have forever by your side and you must surround it with a heart drawn with a red ink pen, place the candle on top of the paper and let the flame consume it. Meanwhile, think deeply about that special person, count the drops of wax that fall, but if they do not fall, it is possible that the person you love already has another in their heart. But if drops fall in a row, this means that you are full of doubts.
Love spell to come back to you
There are many spells to make our love return, and one of the most effective, simple and used is that of the shoe. To do it, you must have on hand a pair of shoes that you are not already wearing, a pen with black ink, a little cinnamon and a piece of parchment.
To continue, write that person’s name on the scroll eleven times and fold it eleven times as well. You place the cinnamon inside the shoes and then the paper in the shoe on the left foot.
You put them on and jump 3 times while you prescribe the following: come back to me love, I order you. Walk around and inside your house, when you get to your room leave them at the door. This you must do for 3 days. If possible, also cast spells so that once he’s by your side, he won’t leave.