Rituals to attract customers to a business (secrets and spells)

Rituals to attract customers to a business Negative energies cause setbacks in life, both professional and personal, and can bankrupt any business, so it is advisable to remove them, and if possible, exclude them from your coexistence.

Next, we are going to detail rituals to attract clients to a business that precisely help to expel negative energies and attract luck and prosperity to your company or your business.


Rituals to attract customers to a business

Rituals to attract customers to a business with sunflower seeds

This ritual can be performed to attract prosperity and more customers. It can help break the cycle of negative results for your company or business.

Will need:

7 sunflower seeds;
A coin of any value; Y
A pot of soil or a space in a garden.

The process is very simple: on a Thursday, take the sunflower seeds and the coin, make a hole in the pot with soil or in a garden and bury them together.

As the seeds and coin are buried, say the following words with faith: «Sunflowers are born, they grow, just as my money will grow and prosper.»

It is important to water the plant daily and take good care of it to increase the number of customers and keep them always loyal to your business or company.


Rituals to attract customers to a business with sugar

Will need:

Coffee powdered;
Cinnamon powder;
Red hot coal; Y
A clay pot or iron.

Preparation method:

First, make a homogeneous mixture with sugar, coffee and cinnamon. Then light a charcoal and let it burn until it reaches the point of combustion.

put the Coal red hot in the chosen container and, with a lot of shouting and faith, pour the mixture of sugar, coffee and cinnamon over the coal, walking with this container around your company or business.

Let the steam of the burning spread throughout all environments, working as a natural incense. During the walk, pray the Our Father, Hail Mary, ask for protection for San Expedito, the saint of urgent causes and have faith that this will help attract more customers.


Secrets to attract customers to a business with cinnamon

This is considered one of the best ways to attract customers and increase sales, whether you are a business, company or business.

You will need to:

Cinnamon powdered


Mix a handful of ground cinnamon with a handful of sugar in a bowl. Throw a small amount of the mixture in every corner of the company, business or office, without forgetting the positive thoughts and faith.

It is recommended to do this ritual on Mondays, precisely because it is the beginning of the week and to be able to maintain positive energies throughout it. It is a simple one, but it promises to attract good results.


Spell for business with alpise

One of the most powerful plants that exists in the mystical world is the canary seed. It is also widely used in the medicinal world as an anti-inflammatory.

Will need:

Cinnamon powder;
White sugar; Y
A container with a lid.

Place 10 tablespoons of birdseed in the container; 10 tablespoons of cinnamon powder and 10 tablespoons of sugar white. Close the container and shake well mixing all the ingredients.

Spread a little of the mixture near the doors and windows of your business, company or office. Be careful with the amount because if it is a place of great traffic of people, they can be disturbed.

It is a kindness that is recommended to do on Monday and leave it there all week. Distribute a new mix every week and take advantage of the increase in customers.


Rituals to attract customers to a business with rice

This ritual with rice tends to increase the sales of commercial establishments. To do it you will need:

Will need:

250 grams of White rice;
Cinnamon powder; Y
One container.

Mix the white rice with 10 tablespoons of cinnamon powder in the chosen container, then place it somewhere in your business, company or office.

Unlike the other rituals, this one with rice should be done twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays.

Detail: You can place the container in a place that is not very visible, and it can even be in a drawer. Even so, it is worth using this ritual as a complement to any of the others mentioned here, always remembering that to achieve success with rituals you must have faith, positive thoughts and good vibes.


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