Rituals Parra The last full moon of the year

The last full moon of the year is an event loaded with symbolism and energy, perfect to close cycles and prepare for a new beginning with Full moon rituals. This December 27, 2025, the Full Moon in Cancer It will illuminate the sky, it is a time to reflect on our emotions, strengthen our relationships and take care of ourselves. These five rituals are highly significant to make the most of the energy of this celestial event.

Data from the last full moon of 2025

Date: December 27, 2025

Time: approximately 23:00

Zodiac sign: cancer, a sign of water associated with family, emotions and self -care. It will be visible throughout the world, as long as climatic conditions allow it. For the best results, look for a place far from light pollution. In America, Europe and Africa, the Moon will appear spectacularly bright shortly after sunset. This full moon, for being the last, could be bigger and brighter. Perfect to perform Full moon rituals.

A compilation of your achievements of the year is a way to thank you and feel proud to overcome everything.

Ritual of the «Legacy Box»


Reflect on your achievements and leave a «symbolic legacy» for the following year.


  • A wooden box or cardboard decorated to your liking
  • Small objects that represent your achievements of the year (they can be photos, letters or symbolisms as a key to represent a new house or a pencil to symbolize studies).
  • A sheet and a pen

To do

1. Under the full moonlight, write a letter thanking the lessons and achievements of the year that ends.
2. Place the letter and objects in the box. While you do, reflect on how each achievement has transformed you.
3. Close the box and guide it in a special place until next year.