Ritual to win a trial, spell and prayer to win a legal trial (Psalm

Ritual to win trial Going through a lawsuit costs time, money and, in general, takes away our peace of mind. All this because we are talking about a bureaucratic process, which can take months or years to have its result.

Nobody goes to court to lose, but not everything depends on us! It is in these moments when the rituals come in!

Following all the instructions, and having a lot of faith, we are sure that your judicial process will be positive after the ritual to win a trial presented here.


Ritual to win judgment

Ritual to win judgment with the Bible (psalm to win a legal judgment)

The ritual presented does not include an extensive list of materials, its great secret is in faith, and punctuality in days and times.

Necessary material:

red candle;
Holy Bible.

Way to do:

You should look in your Bible Psalm 118. When it is located and with the psalm open, the red candle must be lit! As the candle burns, you should begin to recite the psalm, you can declare everything out loud, putting a lot of faith in each word recited.

This reading should be offered to the angel Haaiah (this angel is responsible for making positive processes and judgments). When you have finished reciting the entire psalm, ask the angel that the judicial process in which you are involved can be expedited, and the best, with a favorable result for you.

The psalm must be recited while the red candle is lit. And as important as faith, is to perform this ritual at the right time and day.

This ritual must be done for seven days in a row, always at the same time (determined by you). In addition, for those who want a faster solution, there is the option of doing a ritual in a single day, for this, it is necessary to pray Psalm 118, seven times, every hour, always with a new candle.


Spell to win trial or solve legal problems

This spell is simple and will help in all legal matters!

Necessary material:

1 green triangle candle;
Blank sheet;

Way to do:

You must write the process number with the pencil on the blank paper! Then he lights the candle, praying Psalm 05 out loud, asking that all his problems with justice be resolved.

This spell must be done for four Wednesdays (they must be consecutive).


Prayer to win a legal trial

A strong alternative for those who have faith is to say this prayer to win a legal trial with the desire that justice be done and in the shortest possible time.

Have faith in saying this prayer, because only true and honest people who deserve victory in their trials will be successful.

Know that there is no point in having fervent faith at that time, if on other days you do not give a damn about making at least one sign of the cross. Opportunistic faith harms a sentence like this, you should know!

Read the sentence with great faith, thinking of your victory in the process:

“My Beloved God, in the name of the Sovereign Lord Jesus, with all humility, faith and trust, I place myself in your Holy and Powerful presence to ask the Lord to do justice in my life and give me victory in this process that I face. in the tribunals.

O mighty God of Israel, your Word says that the Lord is faithful, that the Lord is a just judge and that he does justice and revenge in the lives of all those who, with truth, honesty and merit, place all their trust in you. .

I believe in that! I have great faith and confidence in your presence and in your strong and tremendously powerful right hand.

Therefore, my Beloved Father, come into my life with all your strength and power, and do me justice, granting me my well-deserved and just victory in this process that I am facing in court.

My Eternal God, in the name of the Lord Jesus Victor, I praise and give glory to your Most Holy Name, and from now on I thank you and take ownership of the marvelous liberation, redemption and just victory that the Lord already has. fulfilled in all my sentimental, physical, emotional, professional, economic and spiritual life. Amen.»


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