Ritual to call you on the phone

The human being cannot be without communicating with his fellow beings, either through writing or in an oratorical way.l. The way in which we have transferred our thoughts, ideas or feelings to our fellow human beings has been changing throughout history: through cave paintings, smoke signals, letters, telegrams, emails…

In the XXI century, The telephone has become almost another appendage of the human being, and with it we communicate on a daily basis both through text and voice. And when a person we love doesn’t call us when we want, we can suffer a lot, right?

So, we are going to explain a ritual for that being that fills our hearts with the deepest and purest feeling of love to call you on the phone.

A preliminary note

When carrying out rituals for that person to call you It is essential that you know if destiny wants to connect you at that moment, or that you have parallel paths; if it is not so written in it, that call will not happen. However, if that predestination exists, we can use magic so that the call occurs as soon as possible.

The importance of a call

The hustle and bustle of today’s life means that communication is not always as fluid as we would like. And on many occasions, the lack of it means the end of a relationship, as a way of showing that the other person is no longer interested in you. Neverthelessa gesture as simple as a phone call or a mobile message can mean a lot, a great first step for Cupid to be able to shoot his arrows at both of them again.

It is true thate many individuals feel great fear of being the first to pick up the phone to make a call and close positions. Some because they prefer to play hard to get, trying to make the desire of the other half manifest through the telephone waves. Others, because if they take a long time to call, presumably, the interest will stay alive and help to reflect.

Do you love someone secretly, or do you want to get back together with your partner, and you want them to make the first move by picking up the phone? If so, you should perform this ritual for him to call you.

How to perform the ritual to call you

First of all, we need to gather a series of elements, all very easy to obtain.

A photograph of the person we love. If this is not possible, we can write your name in red ink on white or pink paper.

A white candle. Traditionally, red candles are used in rituals for love, because they are associated with fire, triumph, courage, strength, self-esteem and self-confidence. However, on this occasion it is preferable that it be white, since it symbolizes total cleanliness, both of our life and of ourselves, of our mind and also of our body.

A glass of water. It is not recommended that it be made of plastic, since glass is a material that throughout history has been used by magicians, druids, warlocks and sorcerers to carry out their rituals. On the other hand, it is worth remembering that water is called the mother of all beings for all the power it has, as well as because it involves the vital principle that generates life.

Salt. A common element, easy to find in any home, and that also has interesting magical powers. This seasoning has traditionally been used in rituals designed to purify negative energies, but also to protect us from them. In this case, the salt is closely related to glass, since it has a crystalline structure.

The ritual must be carried out in a quiet room, in which we have the security and confidence that no one will come to interrupt us, since a peaceful harmony around us will be necessary to help us concentrate. If we take off our shoes, the better, because that way we will come into contact with Mother Earth.

With the right hand we take the candle, we light it on fire (preferably with matches, although this is not essential) and we place it in an elevated area, to act as an altar. For example, a deep plate turned upside down could be worth it.

In front of the candle, already lit, the photograph of the person who we hope will call us by phone is placed, or failing that, his name written on a piece of paper, as indicated above.

With the right hand againor take a little salt, and pour it into the glass with water, while reciting the following incantation:

«Call me my love,

why do you listen to me

and you feel the desire to talk to me

that’s how it is».

It is repeated up to three times, always thinking of the person we love and whose voice we long to hear.

The glass is then placed on the altar, and the photograph is placed vertically against the glass. We stare at the photo, and visualize that person calling us, with all our love and all our mercy. If we regret having committed some injustice with him (or with her), we can also express it with our mind.

When the candle has been consumed, that person will call us on the phone. And although it seems obvious, we must have the telephone next to us, because if not, the whole spell would not have been of any use!

What to do if it doesn’t work?

We have already said that this ritual will work if it is written in destiny that you communicate, and that with its realization we will only be able to slightly advance the facts.

If it does not work, there is always the possibility that you call him first, of course. The important thing here is that you remove your doubts and approach that person you love once and for all, so don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and dial their number.