Ritual of the glass of water for money, for him to call me and more

Ritual of the glass of water Water is a fundamental element for the survival of the human being and for that reason, perhaps, there is the saying that says «Without water, there is no life».

Due to the great importance that water has for the human being, it is not surprising that, since ancient times, healing and magical powers were attributed to it.

Hence, there are many rituals that use water as the main element, which makes them more accessible and easier to prepare and perform.

The most famous rituals related to water are those performed with a glass. For this reason, today we want to introduce you to the ritual of the glass of water for money, love and more.


Ritual of the glass of water

Ritual of the glass of water for money (not to be missed)

Necessary elements

A small white plate;

1 yellow candle;

1 cash bill of any value (will not be destroyed)

A coin of any value

1 full glass of water

1 cup of brown sugar.


Put the money bill on the plate and currency about the ticket. Cover the money with brown sugar, and then place the glass of water on top of all the aforementioned items. Place the candle on the right side of the plate and light it. Pray an Our Father and a Hail Mary, asking your guardian angel with great faith to bless your financial life.

I repeat: “Money in abundance, it is always with me and I will always have plenty. With him, I promise to help whoever needs me.”

While you pray, mentalize energies of abundance, consider yourself as a person worthy of wealth and prosperity. Emit that energy in the universe and project that intention to help people with the resources you attract.

Let the candle finish burning. When it is already off, throw the remains of paraffin in the trash and pour the water and sugar into the sink with running water. Another option is to throw the water and sugar on a plant (but never throw it out the door). You can use the bill, coin, cup and plate as usual.


Ritual of the glass of water under the bed to ward off bad energies

– Take a glass that has never been used and fill it about two-thirds full with Salt gross.

– Fill the glass to the top with water (it can be from the tap, but it is better to use bottled water or rainwater).

– Leave the glass under the bed

– The glass must remain in that place for at least 24 hours.

– The next day, examine it. If you are exactly as you left it, there are no bad energies in the space.

– You can repeat the same process (but throw away the water and salt, and refill the glass).

– If the glass is not as you left it, there is bad energy at home. There may be air bubbles, larger or smaller, or the water may be a bit cloudy. If this is the case, repeat, using fresh and salt water daily, until the water is as you left it, after 24 hours.


Ritual of the glass of water and the coins to get a job

Place in a glass of water, 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1 coin of any denomination. Leave there for nine days and, at the same time, you must start a novena to San Pancracio.

At the end of that time, take the coin, dry it and carry it as talisman, in your pocket or wallet. Throw away the water and wash the glass, which can be used normally.


Ritual of the glass of water for him to call me

Ritual of the glass of water to call me #1 On a piece of red paper, write the name of the person you want to call seven times. Place in a transparent glass with water and three tablespoons of sugar. Cover the glass and leave for three days in a place where nobody moves. Pray an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Creed with great faith every day. Then, pour the water down the sink drain and throw the cup and paper in a trash can far from your house.

also know florida water what it is for (love, luck, etc), uses and how to make it

Ritual of the glass of water for him to call me #2 In a glass of water, mix a tablespoon of coffee powder. Write the name of the person you want to call in the form of a cross on a piece of white paper. Leave this paper in the glass for three days in a row, in a place where nobody moves. On the fourth day, take the glass to a place away from your home and throw it away with everything inside. Pray an Our Father and a Hail Mary to Our Lady of Grace, asking the person to call her if she agrees.

Ritual of the glass of water for him to call me #3 Any Friday buy a glass and fill it with water, add three pinches of salt and one Red rose. Leave the flower in the cup for two days. Then take a shower as usual and pour the water from the cup over your body, from the neck down. Meanwhile, repeat the phrase three times: “Saint Anthony, so-and-so call me”. The rose should be thrown away and the cup can be used normally after washing.


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