Ritual for my money to be paid quickly and prayer to Saint Jude (debt

Ritual for them to pay me my money quickly If you have lent someone money, but the person, after the agreed time, has not paid you anything or shows no interest in doing so, this situation can cause great concern, especially in these times when each penny counts.

This problem can become even more complex when we lend money to family and friends. In this case, we are afraid or embarrassed to collect, and some people take advantage of this to not pay, leaving us in a very unpleasant position.

The question that arises, then, is what can be done?

From an esoteric point of view, there are several rituals and spells that can help you get your money back quickly.


Ritual to get paid my money fast

How does this ritual work so that they pay me my money quickly? This ritual aims to make that the person feels the need to pay off the debt as soon as possible.

So, does this ritual take away the person’s free will? Do not worry, because this ritual does not interfere, since it is esoterically stimulates the person who must review his own economic commitments, and reevaluate the position he has adopted in the face of the debts he has contracted.


Important notes about this ritual so that they pay me my money fast

In order for this ritual to produce the desired results, it is important that you pay attention to a few important things.

First: The ritual must be performed with faith. If you don’t believe in the power of rituals, there is no point in doing one of them, because without faith, they just don’t work. Faith is like a trigger that activates energies that have the power to help you get what you want. Therefore, doing this ritual without faith is totally fruitless and a complete waste of time.

Second: You should not tell anyone that you have performed a ritual to receive a debt. Keep it a secret, because telling things like this can lead to gossip and other unpleasant problems that can affect your life.

Third: You must not change the materials or the procedure to perform this ritual. Did you think about replacing certain material or performing one of the steps of the ritual in another way? Do not do this, because this kind of attitude can prevent the ritual from bringing the expected results. So, do the ritual strictly following our guidelines.


How to do the ritual to get paid my money fast

The good thing about this ritual is that it will somehow help the person who owes you, because they will be encouraged to act more correctly.

Now check out the materials you will need:

1 cup of black beans
1 paper box
A sheet of paper
1 blue pen
1 coin of any value

Now let’s see how to do the ritual easily:

1 – On the piece of paper, write the full name of the person who owes you. Just below the person’s name, write the following sentence:

«That he pay me in full what he owes me, because I have lent with a good heart and I deserve to receive.»

2 – Fold the paper once and place it inside a paper box, then pour the black beans over the paper and shake the box.

3 – Finally, put a coin in the box and shake it again.

4 – Keep the box in a safe place until you receive the debt. When you receive it, take the paper with the person’s name out of the box, tear it into several pieces and throw it in the trash. If you want, you can take the box or throw it in the trash too. The coin can be used normally. You must bury the beans in a garden.

Note: If multiple people owe you, just take several pieces of paper, write each one’s name and the phrase presented in step 1, and follow the ritual as described above.

So when one of the people pays you, take the piece of paper with their name on it from the box and destroy it. Repeat the same operation for all other names. When there are no more names left in the box, follow the guidelines for disposal of materials used in the ritual.


Spell to get a debt paid

Here we present a spell that also has the objective of receiving the payment of a debt and, for which, garlic and cinnamon.

Garlic is a very strong element and widely used in the esoteric environment, because it can open paths and serve as protection! Remember how garlic protects people in the old vampire stories?

Cinnamon, on the other hand, is a very powerful ingredient, which manages to open all the difficult paths, which is why many spells use this element as a base.

To make this spell you will need:

a glass;
garlic cloves;
cinnamon powder;

You should take the ground cinnamon and put a good amount in the bottom of the glass, covering about ¼ deep!

Write on a piece of paper the names of all the people who owe you, cut out the name of each debtor individually, then roll it into balls and throw it into the glass. Then cover the balls with a little more cinnamon. After that, you should throw the beans together with the garlic cloves in the same number of debtors that you wrote down on a piece of paper, for example, if 3 people owe you, it is necessary to put 4 beans and 4 garlic cloves in the cup for each one.

Hold the glass and visualize the moment when you are receiving the money from the debt! If the final value of all your debtors is too great, take a pledge and donate some to somewhere that needs money!


Prayer to Saint Judas Tadeo to pay me a debt

Saint Jude ThaddeusApostle of Christ and glorious martyr, great intercessor in every difficult problem,

today I turn to you with great faith to request your generous assistance,

because I would like to receive the payment of the debt that (name of the person who received the money) owes me.

You who, also by a singular love, was united with ties of kinship to the Divine Redeemer Jesus,

source of all good, help me in this situation so that he pays me what he owes me (name of the person)


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Lending money is complicated, because we have no guarantee that we will get the money back. It is best to avoid reaching this situation.

For this reason, it is necessary before lending money to think very well to whom we are giving that loan so as not to fall into regrets later.


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