Repressed homosexuality: the rejection of one's own sexual condition – Online Psychologists

Although we live in an increasingly more tolerant world, Homophobia is still presentto a greater or lesser extent, in all contemporary societies. LGBT people often suffer rejection from society. However, This aversion to all sexual orientations that fall outside the heteronorm sometimes comes from the individual himself.

We can define homosexuality as the inclination that a person feels towards another of the same sex. If a homosexual person is not aware of being so, or is aware but does not openly express it, we can speak of repressed homosexuality. Those who reject their own sexual orientation often doubt their thoughts, tastes and feelings.

Depressed homosexuality often stems from a hostile environment, riddled with homophobia. Education is key when it comes to developing tolerance and, like everyone, LGBT people are influenced by the social context in which they develop.

Although It is essential to focus on the rejection that comes from outsidesince it can lead to verbal and physical aggression, it is worth noting that homophobia can also be internal. This is demonstrated by studies carried out by the University of California in the United States and the University of Essen in Germany.

Conversion therapies

Although this is an increasingly less common problem, due to the prohibitions that exist in many countries regarding this issue, Conversion therapies remain a problem for LGBT people.

«You cannot cure or heal something that is not considered a mental disorder or illness,» says Juan Manuel Peris, psychologist and director of the Les-Hom Groupspecialized in assisting and caring for LGBT groups. Experts agree that these treatments psychological disorders and serious problems in patients. Conversion therapies involve procedures such as:

  • Medication. Providing patients with medications such as Dogmatil and Ludomil, commonly used to treat neurological or psychological disorders.
  • Electrode shock therapiesin which they receive a shock every time their body gets excited by watching erotic content from two people of the same sex.
  • Aversion therapies. It consists of injecting the patient with large quantities of adrenaline. Adrenaline produces terror, which the victim will associate with homosexual erotic content, thus causing rejection.
  • Therapeutic talks and advice for reconversion. Victims report such outlandish advice as changing their underwear or buying sports magazines.

Differences between repressed homosexuality and homosexual OCD

Repressed homosexuality should not be confused with homosexual OCD. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a «anxiety disorder which is characterized by the presence of thoughts or obsessions that are attempted to be alleviated with the production of compulsions or compensatory behaviors. The person who suffers from it tries demonstrate continuously his heterosexuality.

The solution is to encourage people to learn to respect their sexual orientation and that of other human beings. If you suffer from the effects of repressed homosexuality or any other problem derived from your sexual orientation, at we can help you.

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