Renewable energy at home

Renewable energies are totally clean energies when consumed and help to take care of the environment; which come from natural sources that are inexhaustible, such as the sun, air, water, biomass, etc.

Although it took time and work to make people aware, renewable energies are gaining strength worldwide as they are friendly to the environment and non-polluting.

The two most common that can be had in houses are thermal and photovoltaic solar panels, which work thanks to solar radiation. These collectors not only absorb the sun’s rays during days with high temperatures, but also when there is a cloudy sky, since the radiation arrives in the same way, only with less performance than on other days.

Solar panels are used to heat water for various uses, from the one you use to bathe, to the pool and heating. In the case of photovoltaic panels, these are used to generate electricity that is naturally supplied by your energy network.

These two systems are independent of each other, since heat and energy cannot be obtained from the same panel; for this it is necessary to install the two different systems.

Benefits of Renewable Energies:

* They have fewer carbon emissions than those generated by conventional energy production, both extraction and generation.

* They do not emit greenhouse gases, helping to curb climate change and global warming.

* They are more respectful with the environment.

* They come from inexhaustible sources.

* You would not pay more light or gas bills.

If you are interested in delving deeper into the subject, we invite you to Expo Enverdeser from November 25 to 27 at Centro CityBanamex, where you can find everything you need on renewable energy.

For more information go to:

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