Remove tear stains in dogs: 5 home remedies & information

In and of themselves, our dogs are happy fellows who don’t cry easily. Nevertheless, it can happen that Tear stains in dogs occur.

Are these always automatically associated with sadness? Or is there a completely different reason behind it?

Find out the answers in our guide below!

In a nutshell: what are tear stains and how do they develop?

Tear stains are a discoloration of furwhich usually occurs around the eyes, but can also occur on the mouth.

These discolourations are of course related to the tears and are usually reddish-brown.

Good to know:

The reason why the tear stains are not transparent or white is here: The tear fluid contains dyes and bacteria/fungiwhich are particularly visible on light-colored fur.

Tear stains in dogs – 4 causes

The cause of these tear stains can be in different factors being found. And at least one factor will probably make you wide-eyed.

1. Eyelashes & Hair

Not every dog ​​automatically has a short coat. Of course there are dog breeds – like the Maltese – which have very long fur.

This is found also in the area of ​​the eyes. And it quickly happened that a hair or an eyelash found its way into the eye.

The result: your dog starts to cry. Or that affected eye begins to water – Tear stains included.

2. Dirt & Dust

dirt and dust are other foreign bodies that can quickly irritate the sensitive dog’s eyes.

And since dogs are out and about in nature a lot and sniff everything, the dirt factor is not uncommon when it comes to tear stains.

3. Eye diseases & tear stones

The mentioned troublemakers can in the worst case, an eye disease cause. This can not only lead to conjunctivitis, an inflammation of the conjunctiva.

A tear stone can also form over time. This is usually the result of a Fungal infection with yeast fungi.

In fact, a tear stone is caused by the interaction of liquid and yeast.


Especially light / white dog breeds are affected by tear stones. Mention should be made here again Maltese as well as the Bichon Frize.

4. Lining

Didn’t we say there’s a factor in this that you’ll probably be amazed at?

Actually can the lining a trigger for tear stains be. Namely when it’s the Your dog’s intestinal flora out of balance has brought.

Why it is like that? A healthy intestinal flora affects the entire dog’s body – and therefore also an unhealthy intestinal flora.

Good to know:

A large part of the immune system resides in the dog’s intestinal tract (if you also have a cat: the same applies to them).

If the intestinal flora is not intact, the immune system will also collapse. The result: possible illnesses, some of which are not to be trifled with, as well as tear stains.

Remove tear stains in dogs – 5 home remedies

Do you want to remove tear stains from your dog? a natural home remedy of course ideal.

After all, your four-legged friend should neither actively nor passively come into contact with chemical clubs.

1. Coconut Oil

Meanwhile, we don’t seem up for any more canine challenges coconut oil to come by The new «miracle weapon» against parasites, skin problems and much more should also help effectively with the removal of tear stains.

Furthermore, coconut has one positive effect on the immune system your dog. And as you now know: If this is intact, tear stains are also a thing of the past in many cases.

2. Saline

One mild saline solution dribbled onto a cotton ball can also help remove tear stains from dog fur.

3. Sparkling water

Yes, mineral water with bubbles is also a home remedy that you can use to remove tear stains from your dog.

Just a little sparkling water on a cotton pad and use it to carefully clean the affected areas of the fur.

4. Apple cider vinegar

Not only coconut oil will soon have a regular place in your home remedy pharmacy. Also Apple Cider Vinegar will soon be an integral part of this.

To reduce tear stains, you give a little apple cider vinegar in the drinking water your dog. Thanks to the contained in apples pectin and other important substances you support by the way also the intestinal flora your fur nose.

5. Homeopathic remedies

Are you a fan of homeopathysome can globules help to get the problem of tear stains under control.

After prior consultation with your veterinarian, you can, among other things, Globules Euphrasia D6 use.

Tear stain remover from pet stores as an alternative

A remedy from the pet trade that is supposed to help effectively against tear stains is «eye clean».

This contains various herbswhich should have a positive effect on the pH value of the dog’s body.

This also regulates the pH of the tear fluid, which is another positive effect.

In addition, the herbs are anti-inflammatory. And so that bacteria and co. take away the breeding ground for further spread.

Good to know:

According to experts, such means are only really efficient if they administered as part of a species-appropriate diet.

Here one can BARF nutrition can be very helpful – or feeding them wet food. It is better to avoid dry food here.

The right nutrition against tear stains in dogs

As you now know, proper nutrition for your dog is essential to keeping them happy and healthy for more than one reason.

So the food is a must adapted to their individual needs be. This includes how old and what breed he is.

Possible previous illnesses or health factors also play an important role in ensuring that the feed is species-appropriate.

Good to know:

Dogs don’t need a change in the canine diet every few days or weeks. In fact, you should try that Diet as consistent as possible to keep.

Because constant food changes also mess up the intestinal flora. And where this can lead, you know at the latest from this guide.

Not only the lining supports a healthy intestinal flora and a strong immune system. Also certain preparationsthat support the immune system can be a useful dietary supplement.

Please discuss the options with your veterinarian. He will know what can be useful at this point.

In addition to these preparations also help pro and prebiotics. Ultimately, these are nothing more than “good” intestinal bacteria that can be found in every digestive tract.

They ensure a balance and thus no longer offer a breeding ground for indigestion and tear stains.

More tips to prevent tear stains

Do you have a long haired dog? Then a first tip for prevention can already be found in the grooming consist.

It can be useful if you regularly trim the hair directly on and above the eyes.

This way you avoid them irritating your sensitive eyes. This may also apply to the eyelashes under certain circumstances.

Absolute caution is required here. Then Eyelashes protect the eyes – trimming, if at all, should be done by a veterinarian or canine wellness professional.

It also helps the eyes regularly checked for dirt and foreign objects.

If you find them, please remove them carefully with a slightly damp and lint-free cloth.

Together with a healthy diet and your watchful eyes, you can successfully take action against tear stains.

Experiences of dog owners with home remedies and commercial means

Of course, it helps to have a lot of specialist knowledge in order to tackle the topic of «tear stains» correctly and successfully.

However, it often helps to consider the experiences of other dog owners.

“(…) but here (…) daily cleaning with Jean Peau eye care helped against the tear stains. One drop in the eye, and two below. Then pat dry, and also always dry the tears when it gets wet. Then it doesn’t discolour so much either.”

«You need a tear stone remover (…) in almost every pet shop and at a dog grooming salon (…) Just look for eye care products and choose a non-irritating, healthy variant (…).»


Tear stains on dogs can of any race and any age appear. Light-skinned breeds seem to be particularly predestined for tear stones.

One of the main triggers for tear stains lies in the diet of almost all dogs – or in the fact that it is not tailored to the needs of dogs.

we have you given some tipshow you can strengthen your dog’s intestinal flora with the right diet and some dietary supplements. And with it his immune system, which can mean stopping the tear stains.

How is your dog doing? Did he or does he have tear stains? And how did you treat them?

Share your experiences and useful tips with us in the comments.