Recurring dreams: why they occur and which are the most frequent – Online Psychologists

Does that sound familiar to you, dreaming over and over again about the same things and that they practically become a nightmare? recurring dreams They have been researched for centuries. Someone is chasing you, you fall into a void, you are late for an important event, you fail an exam… You may have noticed that these types of dreams recur, especially when you are under the influence of stress.

Recurring dreams have ended up being interpreted as omensas messages sent by the subconscious itself or as signs of symbolic content that speak of the past or the future. In these dreams, not only the senses come into play, but also emotions are the protagonists. Knowing how to understand them is the key to deciphering these dreams.

What are recurring dreams?

On many occasions, the next day you will not be able to remember what you dreamed at night. In the opposite case, there are times when you will remember the entire dream when you wake up and, in addition, you will be aware that it is not the first time that you have dreamed about the same thing. It would be, then, a recurring dream. You should not confuse it with nightmares. In fact, these types of dreams are repeated during a stage (childhood, adolescence, a few years ago…). If you are an adult, recurring dreams can also manifest as childhood dreams that even distressed you.

The brain is certainly sending you clues. The challenge is to know how to interpret them to find out what problem you are currently facing and which you are relegating to the background or, directly, ignoring. dream analysis It can lead you to understand the reason for your discomfort, a discomfort that you may not even be aware of.

The deepest dreams are often the ones that appear the craziest (Freud)

Pay attention to what's going on around you. This way, your dreams will start to make sense. Any frustrations, worries, expectations and goals can be reflected in your dreams.

Steps to overcome recurring dreams

These are some suggestions to deal with recurring dreams:

  1. You have to be willing to changes already the transformations.
  2. Be patientRecurring dreams will not disappear overnight.
  3. Look inside yourself and be prepared for whatever you may find. It will be the only way to accept yourself.
  4. Analyze the dream from an objective point of view. It is not enough to limit yourself to the emotional charge. Concentrate on the symbolic charge of the images.

Most frequent recurring dreams

What you need to be clear about is that something is happening in your life for you to have this type of dreams. In any case, Dream interpretation is quite personalbecause it always depends on the experiences you have had and they have to be interpreted individually. Even so, there are a number of common features. Let's look at some Examples of recurring dreams and their meanings:

Nudity in public

Psychologists argue that when you dream that you are suddenly totally naked anywhere (whether at a work meeting, at school, at an event, on stage, etc.), it is because you're trying to hide something. Lack of clothing means you can't hide it or that You are exposed to something you have not prepared for. correctly (for example, a presentation, an exam). If you think that there is something you are not doing well, you feel like you are naked. Also, it is possible that in the dream no one notices that you are naked, so this fear is unfounded. Now, if you are not worried about being naked, it means that you are happy with yourself.

You fall

You fall into the void, from the bed, from a staircase… and you wake up suddenly. This dream is one of the most common and affects restful sleep by waking you up abruptly. Try to anxiety and insecurity problems. There may be something in your life that you are unable to control and that is why you believe that there is no way to solve it. Another option is that you feel bad because you think you are failing in a specific area (with your partner, at work, etc.).

You're late

You are late or unprepared for an important event. This is a clear example of dating: you dream that you are not arriving or that you have not prepared. This type of dream can have many interrelated meanings. Psychologists point out that you feel (or are going to be) examined or evaluatedlike in an exam, a challenge that you are not sure about, a job interview… You must analyze what makes you feel fear of rejection or embarrassment.

You fly

On the one hand, dreams where you are flying have to do with lucid dreaming. On the other hand, they also mean that you have all the control over your lifeyou know what your goals are and how to achieve them. You feel invincible and free, you are above any situation and you have let go of a weight that prevented you from moving forward. Flying is the symbol of freedom, so It is a good omen. If you fly in human form, you will find happiness and success naturally, and if you are a bird in the dream, it means a lot of luck in life. Problems flying, on the other hand, are a symbol of losing that control. Is there a challenge that you don't know if you will be able to accomplish?

They chase you

Running because you are being chased means that you are fleeing from your enemies. issues. Sometimes you will wake up startled. Ask yourself what you are avoiding. Maybe you don't want to face problems at work, in a relationship, or you don't want to take on an addiction. You must face what you don't dare to face, or maybe you want to face it, but you don't know how.

You run aimlessly

This type of dream is related to the previous one. It is common that in the dream you run without getting anywhere or you feel that your legs are not able to move forward. It can mean that you are saturatedYou try to do many things at the same time or in a short time.

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Your teeth are falling out

It is a dream that may begin with a strange feeling in your mouth and eventually with your teeth falling out. Causes discomfort and anxiety throughout sleep. The tooth is a symbol related to communication skills, power and wealthIf they are falling out, it means that you don't have any of those things and the result would be embarrassment. Also, how is your self-esteem? This dream is about complexes regarding your physical appearance and the insecurity you feel at this time in life when you are most vulnerable.

You are at a wedding

In general, dreaming that you are getting married is a bad omen and dreaming that you are attending a wedding represents the arrival of a disappointment and bad luckIf you are at a wedding as a single person, it is a symbol of happiness and if it is your own wedding, changes will come. As a married person, it means that there are family concerns and if you are the one getting married, there will be a separation or breakup. In the case that the vicar in charge of the ceremony is dressed in black, it is a good omen. Bad luck will also accompany young girls who dream of a secret wedding.


Sensitive people are visited by dreams about death, but their interpretation depends on the emotions of each person. This may be the case if you have felt the death of a person (and then you might even wake up with a horrible feeling). If the dream does not cause you fear, it means that you are free from worries and that there is a kind of «rebirth» or healing. When this dream occurs in older people, it means the death of a person. preparation for deathThe death of a partner represents that he or she lacks qualities that you have. The bad omen appears in the case that you dream that your deceased parents are alive and if you dream that they die, it indicates that several significant changes in your life are underway. In any case, if these dreams about death are very recurrent, it may be a reason to go to an expert and pay attention.

The money

They are dreams about success, abundance and prosperitysince money is a symbol of security, values ​​and self-esteem. Money is also related to love because it can also symbolize power and sexuality.

There are 14 types of dreams related to money:

  1. If you lose money in your dreamIn real life, you may feel unhappy or at a time when you are more vulnerable. In addition, you may be afraid of losing something that is very valuable to you. However, losing money means good luck in business.
  2. Dreaming that you have a lot of money means loss. Accumulating it indicates that misery is coming.
  3. When you lend money to another personis a sign that you are going to experience some embarrassing and uncomfortable situation. It also symbolizes that you are going through a difficult time at this stage of your life.
  4. In case in the dream give money to the needyrepresents the feeling of gratitude towards life.
  5. When you receive goldis a good omen. Everything will go well for you and you will live in abundance. In short, you will be able to enjoy all your whims.
  6. Liquidity problems are represented with dreams in which you count money and you find a deficit, although it is true that some authors relate this type of dreams with the hope that profits will come.
  7. Steal money It is a kind of warning about the arrival of danger. If it is your partner who steals money, it means that you sacrifice a lot for your relationship and that, in some way, you «exaggerate» your love.
  8. Save money It represents the wealth and comfort that abundance brings you.
  9. In case that spend moneyeven to the point of squandering it, is a clear symbol that ruin is about to arrive.
  10. If you dream that you have swallowed moneyoddly enough, means that you are going to become a mercenary. Some authors identify it with the arrival of an illness.
  11. Yeah you look at moneyis a symbol of wealth and prosperity.
  12. When Money is slipping through your fingersmeans that the presence of certain people takes away your energy.
  13. Finding yourself with a wad of coins represents a loss in the workplace.
  14. Finding money in general, It is interpreted positively as a good omen.

Through this type of dream, the unconscious manifests the personal energy that conditions your behavior. Also, think about what kind of financial concerns you really have.


All the elements of this type of dream are important, which makes them difficult dreams to analyze. If you have sex without any kind of feeling towards the other person, there is a deficiency at an emotional or professional level. Also, dreaming about having sex could be related to failures, frustrations, desires that you have repressed… The bad omen appears when you dream that you have sex without the consent of the other person, with someone who does not love you or with a person of the same…