Recipes with wellness, a variety of delicious preparations!

There are many recipes with wellness that you can prepare at home and that turn out to be varied and delicious, to conquer the palate of even the most demanding.

Perhaps you have ever heard about this flour or had the pleasure of trying it in snacks, juices or dairy-based drinks. Well, the Bienestina is a yellow flour with a fine texture. This is a food that became famous thanks to the Colombian Family Welfare Institute (ICBF) and that in its components has a vegetable mixture of cereals, proteins of high biological value, vitamins and minerals.

If you want to know how to make Cuban oatmeal or learn about some of the wellness recipes that you can make at home, then you will be very interested in this article:

Recipes with wellness for children

Take out paper and pencil because these preparations that we are going to show you are very delicious and will give an important nutritional contribution to the little ones at home:


What kid doesn’t like ice cream? Well, this homemade recipe is very simple and you will only need a couple of ingredients to make it. You will surely calm your children’s cravings while you feed them:

Cheese sticks

Little ones also love fried foods, but a good way to reduce their load of fat and calories is by adding wellness and using vegetable oils. See how these cheese sticks are prepared and put them into practice right now.

Easy recipes with wellness

Pay attention and write down these simple culinary alternatives that could be to everyone’s taste at home:


There are many ways to make croquettes at home and this one is really very soft, fluffy and obviously crispy. Using a few ingredients you will achieve world champion wellness croquettes.


Baking a cake at home can be a difficult mission to accomplish. In this preparation, the well-being will make it easier to manipulate the dough and will give it a light texture, as well as an incredible sponginess when it comes to eating it.

At Vibra we want you to learn many easy recipes so that with them you can conquer the hearts of your whole family. Share all our notes on your social networks!