These days you can buy practically everything processed, prepared, packaged and easy to carry. But not only your economy suffers this, but the planet as well. Luckily there are many things you can do at home that are just as efficient as industrial products and are also non-toxic. Here are some tips for preparing household cleaning products, from dish soap to disinfectants.
Glass cleaner
Sprinkler and carbonated water
Two tablespoons of white vinegar in a quart of warm water
Pour into the sprinkler
White vinegar
Three tablespoons of castile soap
20-30 drops of tea tree extract
Mix in a 16-oz. sprayer. and fill with water.
Multi-purpose cleaner
Carbonated water
1 part white vinegar
1 part water
Mix in a sprayer
Fungus Bathroom Cleaner
1 part water
1 part chlorine
Spray then wipe with a warm, damp cloth or sponge
Furniture polish
¼ cup white vinegar (or ½ cup lemon juice)
¾ cup olive oil
Mix and polish with a soft cloth
air freshener
2 cups of hot water
2 cups of baking soda (add essential oil of the fragrance of your choice)
mix in sprayer
Carpet Cleaner and Deodorizer
Sprinkle baking soda. Let rest for half an hour and vacuum it
½ cup vinegar
1 gallon of water
Mix and mop (vinegar cannot be used on marble)
Soap dishes
½ cup liquid castile soap
½ cup water
1 small tablespoon of lemon juice
3 drops of tea tree extract
¼ cup white vinegar
Mix the soap and water together. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir until blended. Pour into a squeeze bottle)
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