Categoría Zodiac

Microarchitecture Definition

(microarchitecture, uarch or arch). In computing, a microarchitecture is a description of a computer’s electrical circuitry, central processing unit, or digital signal processor that is sufficient to fully describe the operation of the hardware. In academia, the term «computer organization»…

Configuration system initialization error

Advertisements Affair: Configuration system initialization errorFile: What Is WebCompanion.exe?Date: 2017-01-02Name: Marco – Origin: Argentina Every time I start the PC it tells me on a poster: Error in the initialization of the configuration system. Response: SOLUTION 1: This is a…

What is manual control system?

Name: Damaris – Origin: Argentina Visitor Question or Comment: what is the manual control system??????? Response from We speak of manual control whenever there is the presence and intervention of a person in the action of controlling and regulating…

Mainframe Definition

A Mainframe is a large, powerful and expensive computer used mainly in companies that need to process large amounts of data or support large numbers of users. In Spanish they are called: central computer or macrocomputer. A mainframe can run…