Categoría Zodiac

Definition of Exokernel

Exokernel is a type of operating system developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) that seeks to provide application-level hardware resource management. The exokernel architecture is designed to separate resource protection from administration to facilitate application-specific customization. Exokernels are…

What is MsgCenterExe? – Process/File: msgcenterexe

File/archive: MsgCenterExeProcess/task name: RealPlayer2 The MsgCenterExe file and task is related to RealNetworks RealPlayer. You can disable this application without affecting the RealPlayer player. More information: It usually starts together with Windows under the name of RealPlayer2 and the…

Debugger Definition

(scrubber). Application or tool that allows the controlled execution of a program or code, to follow each executed instruction and thus locate bugs or errors (debugging process), protection codes, etc. The debugger of already compiled programs is known as reverse…

Pisces Woman and Scorpio Man

Love compatibility between: Pisces woman – Scorpio man The horoscope gives the Piscean-Scorpio bond a low love compatibility. Maybe they can achieve a good friendship, but hardly beyond that. Both are water signs, therefore they have characteristics of their personality…

Taurus strengths and weaknesses

Taurus zodiac sign individuals are known for their loyalty and reliability. They are never ones to rush matters, but wait for their opportunities and respond only after carefully considering their options. The decisions they make in the end will almost…

Definition of Humanware

• 1 • Humanware are the human resources of an organization. In other words, they are the human elements of specific applications according to the scope of the company and institution where the computers are installed. • 2 • Humanware…

Definition of storage capacity (computing)

Storage capacity refers to the amount of data that can be stored on a storage device. This capacity can be measured in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes, etc. For more information read the article: Storage. Storage capacities on storage devices…