Categoría Zodiac

Typing Keys Definition

Set of keys on a computer keyboard, used to type text. Basically two types of writing keys can be distinguished: alphanumeric keys and sign and symbol keys. In this category can enter all the letter keys, the space bar, the…

Definition of WordPerfect

WordPerfect is a very popular word processor in the late 1980s and early 1990s. In fact, it was the de facto standard word processor at the time, but was overtaken by Microsoft Word. It has versions for multiple platforms such…

Definition of boundary of a system

In system theory, the border or limit of a system is a line (real and/or conceptual) that separates the system from its environment or suprasystem (See: environment of a system). The boundary of a system defines what belongs to the…

Data definition (informatics)

A datum is a symbolic representation (numerical, alphabetic, etc.) of an attribute of an entity. A datum has no semantic value (meaning) in itself, but when processed it can be used to perform calculations or make decisions. The data is…

Virgo Woman and Taurus Man

Love compatibility between: Virgo woman – Taurus man The horoscope gives the virginian-taurine bond a good love compatibility. The Virginia-Taurus relationship is not long lasting… it can be very cute at first, but they are not meant to last long.…

Types of computing platforms: examples

Name: Karla – Origin: Mexico Visitor Question or Comment: How many types of platform are there? And what are its most representative characteristics? Response from In computing, there are basically two types of platforms: * Hardware architecture (the architecture…