Categoría Zodiac

20 Gemini Characteristics and Personality

LOCATION: third positionPlanet MercuryELEMENT: AirQUALITY: MutableNATURE: MaleSEASON: SpringCOLOUR: DifferentMETAL: MercurySTONES: cat, stick, beryl and garnetFLOWERS: Daisy, miosotisOPPOSITE AND COMPLEMENTARY SIGN: SagittariusLUCKY DAY: WednesdayNUMBERS: 2 and 3 Changeable personality, they are unstable and indecisive, active, innovative, ingenious, communicative, dreamers, critical. They…

Fedora Definition (Operating System)

(previously called Fedora Core). It is a Linux distribution, developed by the community that supports the Fedora Project and is sponsored by Red Hat. It is a complete general purpose operating system, containing only free and open source software. In…

Where is the delete key on the keyboard?

Name: Aris – Origin: Mexico Visitor Question or Comment: What is the delete key?what part of the keyboard is it in? excuse my ignorance Response from The DEL key is the DELETE key, on English keyboards. On Spanish keyboards,…