What does it mean to dream of a baby? You’ll be surprised
Surely it has happened to you while you rest, if you want to know What does it mean to dream of a baby? Pay attention to the context of your dream. When we go to sleep and fall into a…
Surely it has happened to you while you rest, if you want to know What does it mean to dream of a baby? Pay attention to the context of your dream. When we go to sleep and fall into a…
If you want to know what does it mean to dream of a womanhere we tell you the correct way in which you can interpret this curious dream. Dreaming of a woman can be interpreted in different ways, so here…
La caza del armadillo y sus propiedades medicinales en Chicontepec Le agradecemos sinceramente a Abelardo de la Cruz este artículo escrito para Mexicolore acerca del armadillo en la región de La Huasteca, México. Abelardo es hablante de origen del náhuatl…
The 4444 and its spiritual meaning they are very special because they would become the way in which love, business and success would manifest in your life. In the spiritual field, the energies that surround us are extremely important. When…
Aztecas limpios, españoles sucios Este artículo fue amablemente escrito especialmente para nosotros (bueno, ayudamos un poco con los aztecas…) por Katherine Ashenburg, autora de no ficción ganadora de premios, conferencista y periodista. Su último libro, ‘The Dirt on Clean’, es…
Sometimes, dream about motorcycle It can be a challenge that your subconscious wants to send you to tell you that it is time to adopt changes and take on new adventures. The mind is really a teacher of life that…
El uso de Zero como marcador de posición por parte de los mayas Estamos sinceramente agradecidos al Dr. J. Graham Atkinson por este intrigante artículo sobre el uso del cero por parte de los antiguos mayas, que lo ubica en…
dream about avocados It is quite strange but it is a revelation that very good things are going to come to your life, such as prosperity in your finances. Dreams with avocados invite us to be open to new opportunities,…
Datos aztecas básicos: NOMBRES AZTECAS Hemos tomado esta información del excelente libro La vida cotidiana de los aztecas por Warwick Bray, quien está en nuestro Panel de Expertos. (Compilado por Ian Mursell/Mexicolore) Estatua de Nezahualcóyotl en la Ciudad de México…
dream of rice It can mean only one thing, it means that abundance, prosperity, happiness and fertility pursue you. Dreaming of rice is one of the best omens you can have, as they are dreams that have a very positive…