Categoría Q&A

What’s next after Bichozno | 👁

Good morning, Liana: Our dictionaries precisely establish the relationship between son and father, grandson and grandfather, great-grandson and great-grandfather, great-great-grandson and great-great-grandfather. They also capture the voices of «chozno» ?grandson in the fourth generation, son of a great-great-grandson? and «mug»…

Why do dogs inflate when they die | 👁

The dilation of the stomach is due to the considerable amount of gases, liquids or even food that are inside the dog’s stomach. This enormous volume of substances prevents the digestive system from emptying properly. Recurrent pathologies of water turtles…

What language does the devil speak | 👁

Enochian language Enochian Enochian Developed by John Dee and his colleague Edward Kelley on March 8, 1581. 100,000 speakers (mostly hidden) Artificial language family PAF! The knock in the sacristy was clear and loud. Father Georges did not even think…