Categoría Q&A

What is cabo y cavo | 👁

I dig is a conjugated form of the verb ?to dig? (If I dig a hole in the ground, I will find a treasure). Cable, for its part, is a noun that can have multiple meanings (I’m not going to…

What Nicegram does | 👁

Nicegram is much more than a mail app. It’s a cross-cultural social network where you can take part in discussions, connect with like-minded people, browse educational content, and also influence post-mail. How to download photos and videos from a Telegram…

What does 88 mean in a butterfly | 👁

The ‘butterfly88’ is not very big, measuring about 30 millimeters, and in many countries this insect is a symbol of good luck. Another curiosity related to this insect is that on very rare occasions the whims of nature manage to…

Who is the Yaciyateré | 👁

(11) The yaciyateré (or yasiyateré), also called the rooster bird. Its song is monotonous like a repeated whistle, superstition identifies it with a certain goblin or evil genius of the roads that steals the little ones at siesta time and…

How many years does a giant live | 👁

Excess height is related to less longevity, as indicated by a 2014 ‘Plos One’ investigation. He reached 56 years of life. The life promise of the huge schnauzer is ten to 12 years. With well over a century of life,…

How many years does a giant live | 👁

Excess height is related to less longevity, as indicated by a 2014 ‘Plos One’ investigation. He reached 56 years of life. The life promise of the huge schnauzer is ten to 12 years. With well over a century of life,…