Categoría Pet Care

Dog has diarrhea with mucus

If dogs suddenly have diarrhea with mucus, this could be a sign of colon inflammation or irritable bowel syndrome. Bacterial inflammation, poisoning or stomach and intestinal parasites may also be responsible. Small amounts of mucus in the stool are not…

21 dogs that look like foxes

Some dogs not only behave like foxes, but also look like them. The following 21 dog breeds have strong similarities to foxes: #1 Akita #2 Pomsky #3 Pembroke Welsh Corgi #4 Icelandic Dog #5 Redhound #6 Finnish Spitz #7 Pomeranian…

Dog has crusts on his skin

When dogs have crusts on their skin, allergies or parasites are usually behind it. Under certain circumstances, it can also indicate an underactive thyroid, skin fungus, seborrhea, a zinc deficiency, folliculitis or even Cushing's syndrome. Some breeds are also known…