Categoría Pet Care

51 dogs with long hair

Dogs come with different coat lengths – short, medium and long. The following 51 dog breeds generally have very long hair: #1 Shih Tzu#2 Afghan Hound#3 Skye Terrier#4 Cao da Serra de Aires#5 Wolfspitz#6 Bearded Collie#7 English Setters#8 Puli#9 American…

Dog goes into the apartment at night

If dogs go into the apartment at night despite being housetrained, this can indicate fear, stress, frustration or an unfavorable daily routine. However, if it occurs suddenly, illnesses such as a urinary tract infection or diabetes can also be behind…

Dog runs restlessly around the apartment

If dogs constantly walk around the house restlessly, this can be a sign of excess energy, stress, anxiety or longing. In some cases, dogs also wander at night because they suffer from dementia, arthritis, or gastric torsion. Occasional and brief…