Categoría Oddities

What are cliffs?

»> They are steep walls found on the coast of almost all the world, designed by the action of the sea in the last 180 million years. They appear by the action of maritime erosion in the intervals between ice…

Is there a Marvel Justice League?

In a way, yes. In the late 1960s, the Justice League was far more popular than the Marvel characters, and as revenge, Captain America’s publisher created the Squadron Sinister, a group of cheap copies of the League’s heroes for the…

What is the temperature of space?

It depends on which part of space we are talking about. In general, it works like this: the closer to the stars, the higher the temperature. Another factor that weighs is the presence of matter: heat can be retained by…

What was the Bay of Pigs Invasion?

It was an unsuccessful US-funded and executed military action in 1961 to overthrow the government of Cuba. The plan began in 1960, a year after the Cuban Revolution put Fidel Castro in power in the Caribbean country. It was the…