Categoría Oddities

Why do some people see drawings in the clouds?

(/) Reader’s question Ligia Correia, Sao Paulo, SPEdition Felipe van Deursen Because of a psychological phenomenon known as pareidolia. Actually, it’s not «some people». We can all feel these effects. It happens when we receive imprecise and random visual stimuli…

Who was Confucius?

READ MORE – Who was Socrates? – Who was Che Guevara? He was China’s most famous philosopher and political thinker and lived between 552 and 479 BC His real name was Ch’iu K’ung, but he became known as Master K’ung.…

Could a zombie apocalypse happen?

Yes! But not like the movies. The “zombie apocalypses” considered by science are, in fact, situations in which many people would be living with the same disease or illness. Their behavior would not necessarily be the same as in fiction,…