Categoría Oddities

How do electric fish generate electricity?

»> These animals have a specialized organ – precisely called an electrical organ –, composed of cells that differentiated from the muscles during their evolution. Just as muscles generate electricity when they contract, by the entry and exit of ions…

Who invented the Work Card?

The Professional Card, which originated the current Work and Social Security Card (CtPs), was created during the Getúlio Vargas government, in March 1932. It is a document that records professional history and guarantees rights such as salary, vacation, 13th salary,…

What are the most poisonous gases?

If we take into account the rapidity of the toxic effects on the organism, the most poisonous are the gases used as chemical weapons. In the chart below, we’ve rounded up four super-damaging substances that take a maximum of five…

What is biotherapy?

It is the use of living organisms in medical treatments. Although there are indications that the Maya, in Central America, and the Australian aborigines were pioneers of biotherapy, the first official record is the application of larvae in wounds of…