Categoría Oddities

How does a chameleon change color?

The animal manages to control the movement of pigments that give colors to its skin cells. Like other animals (frogs, octopuses, squids, various insects and other lizards), the chameleon has the ability to imitate the color of the environment in…

Why do some boys have a thin voice?

QUESTION Adelino da Rocha Calado Neto, Japaratinga, AL ILLUSTRATES Rodrigo Ico Because their larynx is little elongated. To understand, just compare it with wind instruments: the bigger the straw, the more serious (or “thick”) the sound emitted, and the shorter…

How does a snake manage to swallow an ox?

The two largest species of snakes in the world, the anaconda (or anaconda) and the python, have already been spotted devouring not exactly oxen, but calves. Deer, tapirs, antelopes, alligators and capybaras are other large victims that can also be…

What is the origin of pizza?

(/) Its creators were even the Italians. But there are several hypotheses to explain the arrival of the ancestor of pizza in Italy. The main one tells that, three centuries before Christ, the Phoenicians used to add toppings of meat…