Categoría Oddities

Do all animals have red blood?

»> No, not all. Only vertebrates, with a few exceptions, have blood with this color – caused by the presence of iron-rich cells, called hemoglobin, which have a reddish hue. Vertebrates, it is worth remembering, are divided into five major…

What is the farthest country from Brazil?

Determining the Farthest Points from Brazilian Cities Introduction The farthest point from a Brazilian city depends on the region chosen as the starting point. This article explores the antipodal coordinates of various Brazilian cities, providing intriguing insights into their farthest…

Why are rain clouds black?

First, it is necessary to clarify that they are not entirely black. It’s people who perceive them that way, because the base of storm clouds really is darker. The main reason for this pitch is that rain clouds are quite…

What is the fastest insect?

Scientists have not yet come to a definitive conclusion on the issue. But most of them put the hawkmoth moths at the top of the list of fast-moving insects. “They usually fly at night and their wings are shaped like…