Categoría Oddities

How did the color names come about?

Yellow In antiquity, it was thought that jaundice – a disease that makes the patient’s skin yellow –it had something to do with bile, a secretion produced by the liver that tastes bitter and is also that color. Physicians of…

How does the espresso machine work?

The espresso machine has a system that forces a jet of hot water, at high pressure, to pass through a compact mass of very fine coffee powder. The key word there is “pressure”. The big difference between espresso coffee and…

How is a rocket launched?

Launching a rocket means turning on a super-powerful bonfire, capable of propelling it into space until it reaches a predetermined altitude and, once there, putting a satellite or a research probe into orbit. The trip is not that long: the…

Is it really bad to read after meals?

No. According to experts, this is just another popular belief. “The worst that can happen is a feeling of drowsiness, since during digestion the blood flow is concentrated in the stomach”, says ophthalmologist Emílio de Haro Muñoz, from Unifesp. This…

Who inspired the Mona Lisa?

Mona Lisa There are many hypotheses and no certainty about who would have been the real owner of that famous and enigmatic half smile – if she really existed. The most widespread version holds that a wealthy citizen of Florence,…