Categoría Oddities

What is life like in a termite mound?

Termites form a highly organized society and spend most of their day working in their nest. “The population of a termite mound can reach millions of individuals and is divided into three basic castes: a royal couple, soldiers and workers”,…

How do stealth planes dodge radar?

The secret is a complex combination of special coating and smart design. The purpose of a stealth plane is to enter hostile territory, carry out its mission, and return safely undetected by the enemy. To achieve this, it is not…

Why does the water get wet?

(/) For starters, water doesn’t wet everything. “There are very wet things, like paper. Others less so, like glass (it gets wet but doesn’t soak) and some that simply don’t get wet, like some types of plastic”, says chemist Watson…

How does an animatronic work?

ILLUSTRATES Icarus Yuji With small motors activated by remote control, which move every detail of the figure’s expression. This type of puppet was widely used before the popularization of computer graphics, in films such as ET – The Extraterrestrial (1982),…

7 bizarre facts about Burkina Faso

Fine mixture This small African nation of 17.3 million people mixes different ethnicities and cultures. About 40% of the population is Mossi, but there are other groups such as the Gurunsis, the Senufo and even the tuaregs (pictured above), a…

Who wrote the Bible?

It was not written by a single author, it is a collective creation. “The Bible is a set of books written by varied and often unknown authors. Several books are the result of a collective production over time”, says religion…

Who were the Black Panthers?

The Black Panthers emerged as a group that advocated armed resistance against black oppression. Founded in October 1966, the group was born promising to patrol black-majority neighborhoods to protect their residents against police violence. The movement spread across the US…