Categoría Oddities

What was Apartheid in South Africa?

1) Since 1795, the English and the Dutch had alternated in control of the region that is now South Africa. The struggle for possession only ended with the Boer Wars (1880-1902), won by the United Kingdom. The country recognized the…

What is the pelican’s talk for?

To make it easier to catch fish. The gular pouch, popularly called the crop, allows the pelican to catch larger prey without them escaping – which is common among birds that hold food with their beak. “That way, they spend…

How many coins has Brazil had?

Since independence in 1822, Brazil has had nine coins. The first, which already circulated here at the beginning of our colonization, was the réis, a name derived from the real, the monetary unit of Portugal in the 15th and 16th…

What is invert sugar?

– () ILLUSTRATES Leonardo Matos QUESTION Alberto Joel Holdefer, Porto União, SC It is a thick liquid obtained from the sugar common kitchen ingredient, sucrose. When sucrose is mixed with water and heated in the presence of an acid, its…

Why is the turtle so slow?

(/) Because she doesn’t need to be fast! Its shell offers such sure protection against predators that there is no need to waste energy walking at speed. “This protection is so efficient that, in about 200 million years, the turtles…

How is a hive formed?

»> It all starts with a queen bee. A few days after being born, she is ready for her first and only courtship, marked by the so-called nuptial flight, in which she is followed by a procession of drones. Once…

What is the worst parasite in the world?

AND impossible set a champion. A parasite is any creature that needs to associate with another for surviveincluding viruses, bacteria and insects. Dangerousness depends on a number of factors: region the infestation rolls (some are endemic, that is, they persist…