Categoría Oddities

How is the weather forecast done?

172490858 The forecast is made from the analysis of data captured around the world by an international network. Until the end of World War II, meteorological information was used for military purposes. With the creation of the United Nations, countries…

How is pee formed?

Pee is formed in the kidneys, where blood filtration takes place, which gives rise to it. In other words, pee is what doesn’t take advantage of blood. About 95% of it is water and the remaining 5% is a mixture…

7 bizarre facts about South Korea

HIT PARADE Have you ever imagined a sertaneja duo in Brazil making a video in which it turns into feijoada? That’s more or less what happened with the girls from the Korean pop band Orange Caramel: in the video for…

Why is soccer called soccer in the United States?

(Capuski/iStock) Basically to differentiate itself from another football played there, the American, that sport with touchdowns and quarterbacks. The confusion with the name football — the original English version of the word “soccer”, which means something like “ball with the…

Why does the crab walk sideways?

»> Simple: because that’s how their paw joints bend. When flexed, the paws on one side of the crab’s body pull it laterally and those on the other side of the body help, pushing the animal in the same direction.…

How do suntan lotions work?

»> These products promise dark skin based on three factors. First, they make sunlight penetrate the skin slowly, barring part of the radiation. It’s the same principle as sunscreens, but with a much lower intensity. While in filters the protection…

How does a desert arise?

For an area to be considered desert, it needs to combine at least two elements: sandy soil and a hot, dry climate, with very low levels of rainfall over a long period. The deserts that exist on Earth today have…