Categoría Oddities

What are blank bullets?

Blank bullets are like regular bullets, except for one crucial detail: they don’t have a projectile, the part of the ammunition that hits the target. Therefore, they are often used as a special effect in movie and soap opera scenes…

How is a colored pencil made?

pencil ILLUSTRATES David Augustus 1) Where it all starts The main raw material is wood, generallyPine trees. Some companies, such as Faber-Castell, have their own forest. The harvest is done after 14 long years, but a single pine tree yields…

Who was Homer?

(Reproduction/Wikimedia Commons) Homer would have been a Greek poet who is attributed with the authorship of two great classical works of Antiquity: the epic poems The Iliad and The Odyssey. The problem is that to this day, no concrete proof…

7 bizarre facts about India

radical blessing Indians worship dozens of gods. One of them is… A motorcycle. She began to be worshiped in the Pali district after mysteriously reappearing several times at the scene of the accident that killed her owner in 1988. Come…