Categoría Oddities

How does a seed evolve into a tree?

The seed – the mature and fertilized ovule of the plant – begins to grow by absorbing water from the soil and consuming its own reserves of nutrients. When the first leaves appear, the plant begins to generate nutrients through…

How are surgical stitches made?

Surgical stitches are most often done the old-fashioned way: with a needle and thread. “The stitches – or sutures – serve to approximate the edges of wounds caused by sharp objects in surgeries or accidents”, says Dulce Martins, plastic surgeon…

What does the Satanic Bible say?

640px-Codex_Gigas_facsimile It is a book divided into four parts, which argues that Satan is a force of nature and can be invoked with magical rituals. Published in 1969, the work was reprinted 30 times and is the most influential of…

How does water form inside the coconut?

Reader’s question Clara Frischeisen, Brasilia, DFIllustrates Izzie PaschoalEdition Felipe van Deursen – (Izzie Paschoal/Strange World) BABY FOODIt is a process that if starts in the embryonic stage of coconut tree. Soon after fertilization, the future tree creates a food reserve…

How are public lights turned on?

Gone are the days when an electricity company employee needed to light pole by pole: today, this job is done automatically, respecting the decrease in natural light. The poles are equipped with sensors known as photocells or photoelectric relays, which…

What is a domestic worm farm?

It is a system for recycling household organic waste, with worms transforming food scraps into fertilizer. This process – called vermicomposting – takes place inside plastic boxes filled with soil, where the “workers” gobble up leftover food, digesting this material…