Categoría Oddities

Who are the titans of Greek mythology?

There are 12 gods who, according to mythology, were born at the beginning of time. They were the ancestors of future Olympian gods (like Zeus, Aphrodite, Apollo…) and also of mortals themselves. The titans were born from the union between…

What was the first movie?

History considers that they were the tapes shown by the brothers Auguste and Louis Lumière at the first public session of the cinematograph, in 1895, in Paris. For about 20 minutes, the public marveled at the device, watching images of…

How is Yoruba Mythology?

illustrates Dalton Munizedition Felipe van Deursen This set of beliefs that inspired candomblé is based on living in harmony and in community. There is no separation between men and animals, which even act like humans. Solidarity and prosperity come from…

How long does a body take to decompose?

Decomposition can be affected by factors such as humidity, temperature and the presence of animals. In the body, the process is usually the same: first, autolysis occurs, when the cells stop oxygenating and the blood is invaded by carbon dioxide.…