Categoría Oddities

How is phlegm formed?

The inside of the nostrils is lined by the nasal mucosa, whose main function is to produce a transparent secretion to block the entry of foreign bodies, such as bacteria and dust, into the body. Most of these impurities are…

What are incubi and succubi?

They are demons, from various cultural traditions, who seek out women and men for sex. Any type of demon can take on this role. Succubi take female form to attack men in their dreams, while incubi do the opposite. Their…

What do RG numbers mean?

»> Strictly speaking, nothing! There is no single rule for numbering the identity document. That’s because each state has the autonomy to issue the RG – an acronym for «General Registration» – in the way it wants. In São Paulo…

How did the tattoo come about?

Everything indicates that the practice of marking the body is as old as humanity itself. But, as it is impossible to find bodies from such remote eras with preserved skin, we have to rely on more recent samples. This is…