Categoría Oddities

How many types of lemon are there?

Altogether, it is estimated that there are about 100 species in the world. But the most popular types in Brazil, Galician and Tahiti, are not part of this list. In fact, these two fruits are not lemons. “They are acidic…

Where has it snowed in Brazil?

Reader Question – Ruan P. Orlandini, Bonfim Paulista, SP Snow has already fallen in the states of the South and Southeast (except Espírito Santo) and also in cities in Mato Grosso do Sul, in the Midwest. Snow is formed in…

What are monsoons?

These are winds that change direction according to the seasons, carrying moist air from the ocean to the continent in one season and dry air from the land to the sea in another. The phenomenon occurs in approximately 25% of…

What is the anatomy of a spider?

The animal has eight legs, an open circular system, an exoskeleton and is capable of producing silk. The body is divided in two: in the cephalothorax are the mouth, stomach and brain, while in the abdomen are the heart, lungs…

What was a zeppelin like inside?

– (Lasca Studio/) The word “zeppelin” describes several airships developed by the company of the German Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin. He designed a series of models and the first, the LZ1, took off in 1900. But it was after the…

Why are African bees so dangerous?

Because they are much more aggressive than their European sisters. The Africans attack in greater numbers and in just 30 seconds are capable of injecting eight times more toxins into their poor victims. “For thousands of years, due to the…