Categoría Oddities

Which animals hibernate? Why?

600px-Eptesicus_nilssonii_hibernating Squirrels, bats, marmots, wild mice, hamsters and hedgehogs are some of the animals that hibernate. They do this to save energy during the winter, as food is scarce in that season. The phenomenon only happens with warm-blooded animals (who…

Where is gelatine extracted from?

It is made from an animal protein called collagen, most often taken from oxhide. The process begins with the preparation of the scrapings of this skin. “Then come the steps of extraction, filtration, concentration, sterilization, drying and milling”, says Alexandre…

Why do slugs melt in salt?

»> Slugs, like their close relatives, land snails, are very sensitive to dehydration, that is, the loss of water from the surface of the body that remains exposed to the air. Table salt, in turn, is a hygroscopic substance, that…

What are chakras?

ILLUSTRATED: Luda Lima According to eastern religions, such as Hinduism and Buddhism, they are energy centers that govern our physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual stability. The word chakra comes from Sanskrit and means “wheel”, as it is believed that they…

Why do parrots talk?

Having a special vocal apparatus, living in a group and having above average intelligence among birds helps parrots to imitate other species. In the wild, parrots use singing to exchange information. When they are placed in captivity, however, they compensate…

Which animal has the strongest bite?

O alligator Mississippi – a cousin of the alligator found in the Mississippi swamps of the southeastern United States. The bite is equivalent to wrapping your arm with a sharp denture and then supporting grandpa’s prosthesis with another 1-ton object.…