Categoría Oddities

Why is the symbol of medicine a snake?

Ophiolatry – or serpent worship, in plain English – was very common in ancient civilizations. “The snake would be good and evil, sagacity and immortality, the link between the known world (the surface of the Earth) and the unknown (underground)”,…

How is an animal stuffed?

Taxidermy – the technical name for stuffing animals – is a sophisticated process in which only the animal’s skin is used. Leather is used to “dress” a polyurethane mannequin, similar to the ones we see in shop windows. In the…

How does laughing gas act in the body?

Laughing gas, or laughing gas, produces a mild depression in a region of the brain related to feelings and self-censorship. When inhaling it, the person enters a state of relaxation and happiness, and may even laugh for nothing. The feeling…

Why can’t we feel the Earth spin?

Introduction Dive into the fascinating world of Earth’s rotation and its impacts on our daily lives. From the Law of Inertia to the subtle changes in our planet’s rotation, we’ll explore it all. The Law of Inertia As planet Earth…

Who are and where do the gypsies come from?

Even today, the origin of this people remains shrouded in mystery. Their stories have always been transmitted from generation to generation through oral tradition, which creates many legends and leaves no accurate records. Some experts believe that they originated in…