Categoría Oddities

10 movies with real sex scenes

1. Love (2015) – () Argentine filmmaker Gaspar Noé shocked audiences and critics with two hours of intense sex. All real, and in 3D. The scenes portray the naughty memories of the protagonist. Part of the audience at the Cannes…

How did the gas chambers work in WWII?

In Nazi concentration camps, German officials locked prisoners in rooms that were infested with pesticide. The chambers were not the first method of mass extermination used by Germany. Until 1941, SS officers (Hitler’s military police) disposed of small groups of…

How is a spiritual surgery?

These are procedures that aim to heal the spirit and, indirectly, the body. Spiritists believe that the physical body is associated with the perispirit – a kind of aura formed by unknown chemical elements that only exist in the spiritual…

What was the first school?

Schools were founded in Europe in the 12th century. This is if we consider the school model we have today, with a teacher and children as students. In ancient Greece, children were educated, but informally, without division into grades or…

What is a film noir?

To date, specialists have not reached a consensus on whether the noir is a genre (such as drama, comedy, thriller) or a style of filmmaking. The classification was coined in 1946 by French critic Nino Frank to refer to a…

What are the apocryphal gospels?

These are books that describe the life of Jesus, but which most Christian churches consider illegitimate. Therefore, they do not enter the canon – set of texts considered sacred – of the Bible. In addition to the gospels, however, there…

How is the Pentagon?

Inaugurated 72 years ago, in January 1943, the Pentagon is the headquarters of the US Department of Defense, which houses employees of the Army, Navy and Air Force. The idea of ​​building it came up in 1941, during World War…